Bands were lead by chiefs and had a councilofadvisers. Most people in a band were related to each other
a direct consequence of indigenous Americans not having to obey the chiefs decisions was the US governmentthought that if a chiefsignedatreaty all of his tribe would obey it aswell
4 features of PI society were Bands, Tribes, Chiefs and warrior Societies
a warrior society is when the best warriors from each band supervised hunting, protectingthebandfromattack
warrior societies led all short raids and wars although they had to consult the bands council
chiefs were chosen due to their wisdom and skills as warriors?/hunters
no decision was made from the chief until everyone at the council agreed to it and the rest of the tribeorband did not have to follow it
chiefs and elders were often guided by what?
spirit world visions
pull factors for moving west include?
Oregon Trail
Fertile Land
Freedom/ independence
Push factors for moving west include?
Collapse of wheat Prices
in 1836 the first migrants to travel by the Oregon trail reached their destination.
In 1837 financial crisis caused more people to move West
in 1841 a government funded expedition mapped the Oregon Trail
1848 gold is discovered in california
consequences of the Californian gold rush included?
some of the causes of the failure of the donner party included; they tried to take an unmapped shortcut, four wagons broke, 300 cattle died, they left too latesohad to face winterinthemountains
the donner party was lead by Jacob and George donner
some ways the mormon party went right is they: left earliertoavoidthewinter, went aheadandplanted crops , gave everyone a specific role, insisted on discipline and regular rest, taught them how to form a circle with wagons for saftey, spliteveryoneingroupseachwithaleader
who was in charge of the mormon migration to the west? Brigham Young
the mormon migration occurred from years 1846-1847
What was the Timber Culture Act?
allowed Homesteaders to claim an extra 160 acres if they planted trees on a quarter of it
when was the Fort larmie treaty?
features of lawlessness in the west were newcrimessuch as claim jumping, socialfactors-alcohol,gambling,prostitution, not enough law enforcement, racialtensions, isolated communities
Gangs were formed in San Francisco due to the rise in population as migrants attempted to find gold found none and were unemployed and disappointed
In San Francisco the population grew wildly from 1000 to 25000
by 1851 gangs were formed and out of control in San Francisco. the few local policeman were unabletocope and oftenbribed
with no effective law enforcement citizens of San Francisco set up a vigilance committee to control gang violence this idea then spread to mining camps.
why did the government encourage the growth of railroads?
enable troops to be moved around to control PIs uprisings
allow all Americans to keep in touch, creating national unity
allow Americans to fulfil manifest destiny by making it easier to migrate
allow fedral law officers to reach settlements struggling with lawlessness
promote the settlement of the west
transport goods easily
when was the pacific railroad act passed?
the pacific railroad act granted the enormous job of buildingthefirsttranscontinentalrailroad.
us government policies contributed to tension with PIs as the us government wanted to expand the us westwards onto plains indians lands
The Indians appropriations Act was in?
the indian appropriation act was were the us government paid PIs to give up lands and move to reservations
2 consequences of the indians appropriation act is what?
The PIs had to move to reservations where they could be controlled
It unofficially ended the permanent indian frontier
the first fort laramie treaty was in 1851
the aim of the fort laramie treaty was what?
guarantee the safety of white travellers
stop tribal fighting
consequences of the fort Laramie treaty include?
the number of white settlers in the west increased due to the safe passage.
nolonger a permanentIndianfrontierbetweeneasternstatesof the USAandthePIs
the PIs became dependent on the US government which the US could use as a lever to control them
The PIs that signed the treaty in the first fort laramie treaty gained?
an annuity of 50000 dollars.
US marshalls were appointed by the president to be responsible for a stateorterriotory