consent evaluation

Cards (7)

  • Cant consent to s.47 harm and above 
  • Good at protecting victims consent has to be formed and true olugboja and Tabassum and Dica
  • Judges disapproving of sexual acts and body modification Brown (was argued that it was homophobic when compared to Wilson and everyone consented but then there was a heterosexual case later on that they came to the same conclusion with- inconsistent decisions with Wilson and Brown) , R V BM (Body modification) and Wilson (they approved of Wilson)
  • Surgery is a logical exception
  • And sport unless outside rules of game e.g. ruby and Barnes
  • Horseplay far to generous Aitken they mistakenly believed he was consenting but how can u mistakenly believe someone who is asleep consents to be set on fire 
  • Feels like it goes against the intoxication defence allowed to set people on fire and throw them off balconys- Richardson and Irwin due to “horseplay” when rly they’re drunk 
    Can be considered as bullying now