Music Elements

Cards (222)

  • The tonic is the key note, which is usually the first note played at the beginning of a piece.
  • AB
    Binary form
  • ABA
    Ternary form
  • Minuet (AB) - Trio (AB) - Minuet (AB)

    Minuet and trio
  • ABACADAE coda
    Rondo form
  • Theme - Variation 1, variation 2, variation 3
    Variation form
  • AAA
    Strophic form
  • The exact repeat of a musical idea
  • A change in musical content
  • pickup beat or upbeat
  • When a musical idea is copied in another part
  • A repetition of a motif in the same part but at a different pitch
  • A repetition of a motif in the same part but at a higher pitch
    Ascending sequence
  • A repetition of a motif in the same part but at a lower pitch
    Descending sequence
  • A musical pattern that repeats many times
  • Rhythms that accent the off or weak beats
  • Rhythms that use pairs of notes that are long and short - such as dotted quaver semi quaver patterns
    Dotted rhythms
  • A repeated or held note throughout a passage of music
  • A held or repeated note, heard against changing harmonies
    Pedal or pedal point
  • When a melody which is repeated in another part after the first part has started
  • Melody moving in steps
    Conjunct Melody
  • Melody moving in leaps
    Disjunct melody
  • A chord played as separate notes
    Broken chord or arpeggio
  • A broken chord pattern popular in the classical era using a 1 5 3 5 pattern
    Alberti bass
  • Balanced melodic parts in 4 or 8 bar phrases
    Regular phrasing
  • Key Change
  • Chords at the end of a section of music
  • Chord 5 to chord 1 (V-I)
    Perfect cadence
  • Chord 4 to chord 1 (IV-I)
    Plagal cadence
  • Sounds incomplete, NOT found at the end of the music, ends on chord 5 e.g. IV-V
    Imperfect cadence
  • Ends unexpectedly on a minor chord - sometimes called the surprise cadence
    Interrupted cadence
  • The first note of a scale
    Tonic note
  • The 5th note in a scale
  • A chord build on the first degree of the scale
    Tonic chord
  • A chord built on the fifth degree of the scale
    Dominant chord
  • A chord in its original 3 note position
    Root position
  • A chord where the order of notes has changed - the bottom note is moved up an octave
    1st inversion
  • A chord where the order of notes has changed - the bottom two note are moved up an octave
    2nd inversion
  • 3 note schord
  • The distance between two notes in pitch