Securities Act - 1933, aimed to protect investors against fraud + introduced federal controls on stock market.
Glass Steagull Act - 1933, stop banks from investing American citizens’ personal savings.
Securities Exchange Act - 1934, established Securities + Exchange Commission (SEC) to regulate trading practices.
Alphabet agencies - Roosevelt tackled rate of unemployment via his public works projects, also referred to by their abbreviations.
CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps 1933 -> agency employed young men to help with conservation projects e.g planting trees, flood prevention barriers.
WPA - Works Progress Administration 1933 -> administration created to provide jobs for the middle-aged + older workforce in construction, provided 8.5 million jobs
AAA - Agricultural Adjustment Act 1933 -> act aimed to save agricultural industry by boosting cost of crops.
FERA - Federal Emergency Relief Act 1933 -> provided grants to government workers, aim to protect their salaries + fund other agencies that provide aid to those in need.
TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority 1933 -> introduced electric power network that covered 7 states.
NRA - National Recovery Act 1933 -> created industry codes which fixed wages + prices, allowing workers to unionise.
FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 1933 - created banking insurance policy that guaranteed anyone who deposited money into the bank that was under the Federal Reserve would be entitled to pay-out even if their banked failed.
SEC - Securities + Exchange Commission 1934 -> set up to restore stock market + allow investors to invest in the market again with confidence - ended buying sales on margin
Gold Standard - monetary system where a nation’s currency is relative to the value of gold.
April 1933 - Roosevelt abandoned the Gold Standard.
Good Neighbour Policy 1933:
US would intervene in Latin American affairs less
Hoover removed troops from Latin American countries
FDR promoted good neighbour policy + US did not want to side with countries
Platt Amendment 1934 - Roosevelt wanted to put American interests first + this treaty attempted to protect Cuba's independence from foreign intervention
Ludlow Amendment 1938 - forbid the declaration of war without first gaining support from a referendum
Settling disputes:
settling disputes with troops in 1920s -> often replaced by loyal + local militia
US gave Columbia $25m in compensation for supporting independence of Panama
dispute with Mexico after default on loan payment in 1914
1922 - Mexico agreed payment of $500,000 + provided compensation for damage caused during Mexican Revolution
Economic investment: Latin America
doubled investment + US companies manufactured there
economists hired by Guatemala +Mexican government to create plans for countries wanting US investment