The price mechanismdescribes how decisionstaken by consumers and firm interact to determine the allocation of scarce resources between competing users.
Adam Smith: He believed that market equilibrium (allocativeefficiency) would be achieved through the operation of an invisible hand.
Mainfunctions of the Price Mechanism:
Rationing – Prices serve to ration scarce resources when market demand outstrips supply. When resourcesbecomescarcerthe price will risefurther.Onlythose who canafford to pay for them will receivethem.
Incentives – e.g., when the price of a productrises, quantitysuppliedincreases as businesses respond. Fallingpricesincentivisereallocationof resources to newmarkets.
Signalling – Pricesadjust to demonstratewhereresources are required, and wherethey are not (when priceequilibriummoves, outputequilibriummoves with it).