An externality is a cost or benefit that is externalto a markettransaction (i.e. affects a third party) and is thereforenotreflected in themarketprice.'Externalities' is just a term that refers to bothexternalcosts and externalbenefits.
Social Benefits=Private Benefits + External Benefits
Different types of costs:
Private costs are incurredby the consumers/producers who are directlyinvolved in the consumption/productionprocess.
External costs are costsexperienced by a thirdparty (a consumer or producer) that is notdirectlyinvolved in the consumption or the production of the good or service.
MarginalSocialCost is the costtosociety of producing or consuming an extraunitofgood.
Different types of benefits:
Private benefits are benefits incurred by the consumers /producers who are directly involved in the consumption/production process.
External benefits are benefits experienced by a third-party that is not directly involved in the consumption or the production of the good or service.
MarginalSocialBenefit is the benefittosociety of producing or consuming an extraunit of agood.
When do externalities happen?
Externalitieshappen when there is a difference between marginal social cost and marginal social benefit. Externalities arise in both consumption and production.