The free-rider problem is when an individual cannot be excluded from consuming a good and thus hasno incentive to pay for itsprovision. As a result, there is no market incentive to provide such a good.
What is valuation?
A methodused to determine and estimate the worth of public goods.
What is a public good?
A public good is a good or service that is non-excludable and non-rivalrous in consumption, meaning it is available to everyone and one person's use does not diminish its availability to others.
What is a private good?
A private good is a good that is bothexcludable and rivalrous in consumption, meaning itsusebyanindividualstopsothers from usingit whilst itsconsumption reduces the amountavailable for consumption by others.
What is a pure public good?
They are goods that are completely non-rivalrous and non-excludable. It is impossible to excludesomeone from consumingit if they are unwilling to pay for itsuse e.g. the air we breathe.