The verbs 見る and 聞く are special.
Note the difference between 見られる and 見える・聞ける and 聞こえる
昨日 、 面白い映画を見ました 。- I saw an interesting film yesterday.
2)見える ‒ be able to see (ability)
部屋の窓から 、 どこまで見えますか 。- How far can you see from your room's window?
あんな小さい字も見えますか 。- Can you read a text that small?
3)見える (can also mean ʻappear to beʼ when used intransitively)
飯田さんは本当に若く見えますね! - Iida looks really young, doesn't she?(!)
4)見られる ‒ is possible to see (possibility)
この映画館で昔の映画が見られます 。- You can watch old films at this cinema.