Music for a While- Purcell

Cards (9)

  • Context
    • Style: lament (sad song), Italian Style
    • Incidental music: for the tragic play ‘Oedipus’
    • Ground bass: has many typical characters of Baroque (1600-1750) ground bass pieces (minor key, straightforward rhythm, slow tempo, solemn mood, some chromaticism)
    • Lament: falling phrases, minor key, slow temp
    • Historical context: restoration period in Britain
  • Melody- Vocal:
    • Starts on tonic
    • Leaps to dominant
    • Range of a 9th 
    • Syllabic (mostly)- One note per syllable
    • Sometimes melismatic - Greater emotion and expression
    • Repetition- Emphasises a section in the piece
    • Ascending sequences- Builds tension 
    • Frequent ornaments- Mordents and appoggiaturas (Baroque)
    • Frequent dissonances- Caused by appoggiaturas and suspensions, adds to the anguish
  • Melody- Harpsichord:
    • Descending scalic passages- Emotional contrast
    • Arpeggiation ornaments - Spread chords
    • Harpsichord plays as sound dies away quickly (Baroque feature)
  • Orchestration:
    • Solo voice with basso continuo accompaniment
    • Vocal soloist- Soprano, originally for countertenor
    • Basso continuo- Accompaniment consisting of harpsichord and bass viol (similar to cello, but with frets more strings and tuned in 4ths)
  • Texture:
    • Homophonic texture- melody and accompaniment, despite some short imitative points in the harpsichord realisation (b7, 11)
  • Rhythm:
    • Metre 4/4- Simple quadruple
    • Slow tempo- Conveys sadness
    • Dotted rhythm- Influence of Italian style- used in vocal melody and harpsichord
  • Tonality:
    • Section A- A minor (tonic key)
    • Section B- C major (relative major)
    • Modulations- D minor (subdominant), E minor (dominant), G major (relative major of dominant)
  • Structure:
    • ABA structure- Fusion of ternary (Da Capo) and ground bass
    • 3 bar ground bass- a repeating bass (common composition technique in Baroque)
    • Da Capo form- Repeat decorated by the singer (popular in Baroque vocal music)
    • A1- Short repeat of Section A, with extra decoration in the vocal melody
    • Length of ground bass changes
  • Dynamics:
    • no dynamic markings so the performers could decide on them