Application Layer Protocol uses the protocols WWW,HTTP,FTP,SMTP,e-mail etc.
The internetworking protocol is known as TCP/IP.
If single computer network is divided into segments and router are added between them it forms an internetwork.
Check sum is used for Error detection.
The type of packet format supported by X.25 are as follows: Control packet and Data packet.
ISDN stands for Integrated Service Digital Network.
If routing information is automatically updated by routers when changes are made to the network configuration are called Dynamic routing.
ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol.
If two or more routers are connected to the same subnet, the network administration determines which of the routers the messages should be sent to eliminate this problem. ICMP messages are used.
If two or more routers are available in distributed routing, which route should be selected Least possible cost and Link cost.
In an optical fiber the inner core is more dense than the cladding.
The inner core of an optical fiber is glass or plastic in composition.
Bits can be send over guided and unguided media as analog signal by digital modulation.
In a noisy environment, the best transmission medium would be optical fiber.
End-to-end connectivity is provided from host-to-host in transport layer.
The portion of physical layer that interfaces with the media access control sublayer is called physical signalling sublayer.