Conversion experiences are those that offer a altering of beliefs/way of life. Change so religious ideas become the starting point for their perspective. Can be rapid or slower.
James said conversion experiences follow a similar pattern: person is in some way discontent. Person searches for what is missing. Their is a point of crisis with visions etc. There is profound peace, then a new sence of purpose and religion.
James on Conversion: with conversion a persons centre of energy changes and shifts. Recognises a psycological explanation of conversion but not the whole experiance.
James on conversion: argues that you can tell whether an experience is genuine by the 'fruits', how has the person changed for the better.
Saul on the road to damascas is an example of a conversion experiance.
Nadim Ednam Laperouse: daughter dies of allergic reaction on plane. Long time of emergency on plane. When paramedics arrived and daughter dies, nadim saw 5 angels appear over his daughter.
Nadim, he now goes to church regularly and is a christian. Previously he was uninterested in religion.
Edwin Starbuck: psychologist studying young christians. Found most conversions occur between ages of 15-24. All young people have a stage on incompleteness and anxiety before finding happy relief.
Edwin Starbuck: 2 types of conversion - self surrender - rapid, crisis response. Volitional - religious ideas slowly take over.
James argues that conversions are more reliable due to their observable effects.