Intersubjectivity presupposes human beings' connectivity with other human beings, creating shared meaning through social interaction.
Human beings are social beings who need to establish relationships with the environment for survival.
Human beings are born and create themselves in social interaction, with the existence of each human being being the consequence of social interaction between two unique individuals.
Human beings are different and unique, with no two individuals being exactly alike, even twins.
Genuine dialogue should not be planned and directed, but must come from concrete situations of those involved.
According to Martin Buber, interpersonal relationship arises between 'myself' and the 'other' which leads to an experience of communication of selfhood.
Karl Jaspers supports this claim, stating that "human existence can come to its own with other existence".
Spontaneous revelation of one's self enriches other.
In a vocative relation, it involves reciprocal effects.
Leonardo Mercado affirms that human beings influence each other; both are open to each other.
Human beings are essentially rational, as affirmed by Gabriel Marcel.
Rational responsibility is concretely expressed through knowledge, respect, care, and confirmation, as posited by Erich Fromm.
Persons with disabilities (PWD) refer to those with impairments and obstacles such as physical barriers and prevailing attitudes that prevent their participation in society.
Psychosocial disability is any acquired cognitive, emotional, social impairment that limits one or more activities necessary for interpersonal transactions and other civilizating process or activities for daily living, such as deviancy or anti-social behaviour.
Chronic illness is a group of health conditions that last a long time.
Learning disability is any disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or usingspoken or writtenlanguage.
Mental disability is disability resulting from organic brain syndrome (i.e mentalretardation, acquiredlesions of centralnervoussystem, or dementia) and/or mental illness (psychotic or non-psychotic disorder).
Visual disability is impairment of visual functioning even after treatment and/or standard refractive correction, with visual acuity in the better eye of less than 6/18 for low vision and 3/60 for blind, or a visualfield of less than 10degrees from the point of fixation.
Orthopedic disability is disability in the normalfunctioning of joints, muscles, or limbs.
Communication disability is an impairment in the process of speech, language, and hearing.
People with disabilities can be creative and talented, as exemplified by Sudha Chandran, Stephen Hawking, George Washington, Ludwig Von Beethoven, and Nicholas James Vujicic.
Sudha chandran is a 16 year old girl who gotintoanaccident and had her leg amputated.
Sudha chandran is an Indian dancer and has acted in several films.
Sudha chandran said, "Once I stepped on the stage, I got my soul back."
Stephen Hawking is a genius, which is why he is often compared to Albert Einstein.
Stephen Hawking became paralyzed and spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.
Stephen Hawking is an inventor and wrote the book "Brief History of Time".
Stephen Hawking believes that "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny".
George Washington, the first president of the United States, suffered from dyslexia.
George Washington once said, "99% of failures come from people who make excuses".
Ludwig Von Beethoven, the famous German musician, was hearingimpaired in the later stage of his life.
Ludwig Von Beethoven said, "Music is a higher revelation than philosophy".
Nicholas James Vujicic is a motivationalspeaker who was born with a syndrome called phocomelia, which caused him to live without his fourlimbs.
Nicholas James Vujicic said, "If you can't get a miracle, become one."
Intersubjectivity presupposes human beings' connectivity with other human beings, creating shared meaning through social interaction.
Human beings are social beings who need to establish relationships with the environment for survival.
Human beings are born and create themselves in social interaction.
There is a psychological adage that states "no two individuals are exactly alike", even twins are not exactly alike in physical, mental, social, and emotional behaviour.
Human beings need to accept differences among people, regardless of who they are.
Genuine dialogue should not be planned and directed, but should come from concrete situations of those involved.