Wanting Forms

Cards (14)

  • (私は) 目が青いです 。​- I have blue eyes. 💙👁️
  • 京都は歴史が古いです 。- Kyoto has a long history. (old history) 🏯⛩️
  • この部屋は窓が大きいです 。- This room has big windows. 🪟
  • その番組が見たいです 。- I want to watch that programme. 📺
  • 帰りに買い物をしたいです 。 - I want to do shopping on my way home. 🏡🛒
  • この景色の良い写真を撮りたかったですけど天気が良くなかったから難しかったです 。- I wanted to take a good photo of this view, but it was difficult because the weather was not good. 📸⛈️
  • 頭が痛いので少し早く帰りたいと思いますが ... - My head hurts so I think I want to return home a little earlier, (but)...
  • If you do use a たい structure to describe what someone else wants, then
    you have to add a suffix to show that you are making an assumption.
    Possible options are:
    トムさんは日本に行きたいと思います 。- I think Tom wants to go to Japan.
    トムさんは日本に行きたい そう です 。- Tom seems to want to go to Japan.
    トムさんは日本に行きたい みたい です 。- Tom seems to want to go to Japan.
    トムさんは日本に行きたいと言っていました 。- Tom said that he wants to go to Japan.
    トムさんは日本に行きたいんです 。- (It's because/the reason is) Tom wants to go to Japan.
  • It is preferable, however, when talking about other people's desires, to
    use a totally different verb form: 〜たがる.
    For example:
    トムさんは日本に行きたがります 。- Tom wants to go to Japan. ✈️🗾
    ヘレンは買い物をしたがります 。- Helen wants to go shopping 🛍️
    ようこちゃんはスーパーの後ろにあるお店のラーメンを食べたがります 。- Youko-chan wants to eat ramen from the shop behind the supermarket. 🍜🏪
  • This use of a descriptive verb / い adjective becoming a true verb with the suffix がる is not just used when talking about wants. (I.e. It can also be used when we are speculating/commenting on others' feelings)
    い adj = take away い + がります
    verb = polite stem (e.g: 行き) + たがります
    そのおばけの話がこわいです 。- That ghost story is scary. 👻📖
    子供たちはそのおばけの話をこわがりました 。- The children (plural!) were scared of the ghost story. 👻👧👦
    この猫はとてもかわいいですね 。- This cat is very cute. 😻
    彼女はこの猫をとてもかわいがっています 。- She loves (continuous) this cat very much. ("cute" in a verb form = to love/to cherish/to "dote on") 👩😽
  • Using ほしい:
    新しい自転車がほしいです 。- I want a new bike. 🚲
    クリスマスプレゼントにカメラがほしいです 。- I want a camera as a Christmas present. 📷🎁
    人は何よりも自由がほしいです 。- People want freedom more than anything. 🆓😍
    あのロールケーキがほしくないですシュークリームのほうが好きなのです 。- I don't want that roll cake. I prefer Choux buns. (Shu- kuri-mu) 🍰
    私がほしかったゲームが売れ切れでした 。- The game I wanted was sold out. (Sell-cut) 🎮❌
    あのテキストがおもしろくなくてほしくなかったです 。- I didn't want that text because it wasn't interesting. 📝💤
  • ほしい + がる for talking about things others like:
    リチャードはバイクをとてもほしがっていました 。- Richard really (very) wanted (continuous) a bike. 🚲
    その二人は子供をほしがらないです 。- Those two (people) don't want children. 👩‍🤝‍👨❌
    だれもほしがらないクッキーがおさらに残っています 。 - There are even more cookies left that no one wants (continuous). 🍪
  • 〜て+ほしい creates the meaning: I want you to do... for me. As you can
    imagine, this is a pretty direct request so you should be careful if you
    use it:
    フランス語を教えてほしい 。- I want you to teach me French. 🥐
    見てほしい物がありますよ! - There is something I want you to see! 🤩
    お金を貸してほしいです! - I want you to lend me money! 💸

    The person that you want to do something is marked by the particle に.
    For example:
    彼氏に夕ご飯を作ってほしいです 。- I want my boyfriend to make dinner for me. 🍝👨
  • Instead of asking:
    一緒に行きたいですか? - Do you want to go together?
    it would be more appropriate to say
    一緒に行きませんか? - Shouldn't we go together?
    一緒に行きましょうか? - Should we go together? 👩‍🤝‍👨➡️