Dev.Endocrine Glands

Cards (12)

  • What is the 2 different sources for pitutary development?
    • out pocketing of stomodeum immedistely in front of buccopharyngeal memb.
    • downward extension of diencephalon (infundibulum)
  • Briefly explain the divisions of pituitary gland:
    • pars tuberalis
    • pars distalis
    • pars intermedia
    • pars nervosa
    • infundibular stalk
    • median eminence
    pars tuberalis & distalis = anterior lobe
    pars intermedia & nervosa = posterior lobe
    infundibular stalk & median eminence = neural stalk
    pars tuberalis & neural stalk = hypophyseal stalk
  • What is thyroid follicle?
    the solid mass of
    thyroid cells broken up into plates, cords &
    cell clusters called follicles
  • What is colloid of thyroid gland?
    Homogenous eosinophilic gel-like substance
    starts to accumulate in the center of each
    follicle by 3rd month
  • What is fibrous capsule?
    And connective tissue develops from the
    surrounding mesenchyme
  • What is ultimobranchial bodies ?
    (5th pharyngeal pouch) & neural crest cells
    are incorporated into the thyroid gland to
    form the parafollicular cells
  • 1st step in development of pituitary gland (hypophysis cerebri) ?
    Rathke’s pouch 1st evaginates from stomodeum & grow dorsally towards indunfibulum
  • What happened after the pouch loses connection with oral cavity ?
    • anterior wall of Rathke’s pouch increased in size to form adenohypophysis
    steps seterusnya…..
  • Briefly explain about the development of the thyroid gland
    step last:
    the gland finally develops into small,median isthmus & 2 lateral lobes
  • Briefly explain about parathyroid gland:
  • Suprarenal glands composed of?
    • adrenal cortex ( mesodermal origin)
    • adrenal medulla ( ectodermal origin)
  • How adrenal cortex start to develop?
    • mesothelial cells btwn the root of mesentery & developing gonad proliferate
    • penetrate the underlying mesenchyme
    • differentiate into acidophilic cell mass known as primitive cortex