External Factors

Cards (30)

  • Raz 2013: cultural deprivation theory is outdated and victim blames ethnic children for supposed inadequate socialisation
  • Bereiter and Engelmann 1966: language spoken by african american families is inadequate for success - arguing it is ungrammatical and disjointed
  • Labov 1973: Black speech perfectly logical
  • Baker-Bell 2010: Bereiter Engelmann 1966 a form of lignuistic violence. Speech codes are equal but white mainstream English dominates educational system - accounting for lack of success.
  • Attainment 8 scores 2018: children with English as additional language performed slightly better
  • Demie and Mclean 2017: language barriers ranked lack of importance relative to internal factors
  • Platt and Parsons 2018: ethnic children (7-14) had higher aspirations than white kids - ethnic group families adequately socialising children contradicting cultural deprivation theorists
  • Archer et al 2010: minority ethnic group children identified racism rather than lack of ambition as largest barrier to success
  • Moynihan 1965: black children deprived of care due to fathers adsence
  • Sewell 2009: deficit view arguing that father's absence doesn't lead to underachievement. Instead the problem is lack of fatherly tough love - black boys unable to overcome externalising behaviour
  • Arnot 2004: image of ultra aggressive MTV rapper reinforced stereotypes
  • Sewell 2009: 'peer pressure' biggest barrier to black boy success
  • Sewell 2009: black students have lower success because of cultural differences in socialisation and attitudes to education
  • Gillborn 2008: it is not peer pressure nor absent fathers but institutional racism that results in lack of success in black boy attainment
  • Sewell 2009: 'Asian Work Ethic'
  • Lupton 2004: Asian children succeed as home discipline similar to adult authority in school
  • McCulloch 2014: survey of 16,000 found that minority ethnic group students have higher aspirations to go to uni
  • Evans 2006: street culture in white working class areas is so brutal that intimidation thrives - school becomes a place where power games thrive - bringing disruption
  • When was aiming high introduced?
  • Archer et al 2010: aiming high emphasised fixing low aspirations especially through learning mentors
  • Keddie 1973: cultural deprivation victim blaming. Ethnic group children not culturally deprived but different.
  • Rollock et al 2014: middle class black parents used their 3 capitals to support their children's achievement
  • Lareau 2011: both black and white middle class parents are involved in 'concerted cultivation'
  • Raz 2013: accuses cultural deprivation viewpoint as politically useful
  • Palmer 2012:
    1. almost 1/2 of minority ethnic children live in low income housing
    2. minority ethnic group people almost 2X likely to be unemployed
    3. minority ethnic group familes 3X more likely to be homeless
    4. almost half of bangledeshi and pakistani workers earn under £7 an hour
  • 2011: 85% of Chinese girls on FSM achieved 5 or more higher GCSE results than 65% of white girls who were not receiving FSM
  • Modood 2004: effects of low income on ethnic group families much lower for minority ethnic groups
  • Mason 2000: 'discrimination... persistent feature of the experience of Britain's citizens of minority ethnic origin'
  • Rex 1986: racial discrimination worsens poverty - directly contradicts Modood 2004
  • Wood et al 2010: sent three closely matched applications to 1000 jobs. 1/16 minority chance vs 1/9 white chance