
Subdecks (6)

Cards (103)

  • Employers payroll cost = Gross pay + Employers NIC
  • Net Pay = Gross pay - PAYE - Employee NIC
  • HMRC Liability = PAYE + Employee NIC + Employer NIC
  • Gross profit margin = gross profit / sales x 100
  • Inventory is valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value
  • Error of omission: transaction has been completely omitted from the accounting records
  • Error of commission: transaction has been recorded in the wrong account but in the correct financial statement
  • Error of principle: transaction has conceptually recorded incorrectly. E.g. debited as an expense rather than a asset
  • Compensating Error: coincidently equal and opposite to each other
  • Transposition error: correct double entry has been made but two digits in the amounts are recorded the wrong way round
  • If an accrual is treated as a prepayment, profit is overstated
  • If a prepayment is treated as an accrual profit is understated