Cards (11)

  • Wadis are the dry river channels, they have a steep gradient and high energy so transport coarse sediment.
  • Deposition in wadis is poorly sorted and the clasts are angular to rounded depending on the distance they have travelled.
  • Alluvial fans are located close to mountains (breccia) and transported sediment for a long distance, making the grains smaller.
  • Feldspar and mica from granites high in the mountains are transported to alluvial fans, turning them into arkose.
  • Desert sandstones are very well sorted and rounded, made entirely of quartz, and are red from iron oxide cement.
  • Desert sandstones can be seen in large scale cross bedding.
  • Playa lakes are temporary lakes where desert streams flow into before evaporating or soaking into the ground.
  • Metal ions from weathered rock become more concentrated as the water evaporates and the ions precipitate out of solution.
  • Structures that can be found in playa lakes include: siltstones, evaporites, salt pseudomorphs, desiccation cracks and ripple marks.
  • Evaporites precipitate in order from least soluble to most soluble.
  • The order of evaporites is: Calcite, Gypsum, Anhydrite, Halite, Potassium/magnesium salts.