Melody Badinerie

Cards (6)

  • there are two main motifs in Badinerie, x and y. X consists of the notes from the tonic triad, B, D and F# in a descending broken chord; disjunct movement. Y starts with the notes from the tonic triad, and moves to the notes of the dom. 7th in bar 3: F# A# C# and E. Motif Y uses conjunct movement mainly, but is a mixture of conjunct and disjunct movement
  • Motif X and Y are both two bars long, start on the 2nd beat of the bar and end on the first beat. Motif Y is an answering phrase to Motif X
  • bars 6 bt.2-10 bt.1 on the flute part are a sequence, and the cello picks up Motif X during this time
  • the second half of Section A contains another sequence in the flute part, this time extending Motif Y
  • Section B starts in F# minor with Motif X on the flute.
  • in bars 28 bt.2-32 bt.1 the pattern from bars 6 bt.2-10 bt.1 is repeated, with a descending sequence and the rhythm from motif x in the low strings and basso continuo