substances that could damage the cell can be kept inside the membrane of an organelle (e.g. digestive enzymes can kill a cell but is in lysosomes thus are contained)
mitochondria structure helps its function - outer membrane

outer membrane separates contents of the mitochondrion from the rest of the cell, thus creating a compartment specialised for the biochemical reactions of aerobic respiration
mitochondria structure helps its function - inner membrane
site of oxidative phosphorylation - conations electron transport chains and ATP synthase which together generate proton gradient and use it to produce ATP
mitochondria structure helps its function - intermembrane space

between inner and outer membrnae where there are high concentrations of protons is generated by electron transport chains - volume is small so concentration gradient builds up quicker
mitochondria structure helps its function - matrix

contains all enzymes and substrates for the Krebs cycle and link reaction. By concentrating enzymes and substrates in the small volume of the matrix, the reactions of these 2 parts of aerobic respiration can be preformed more rapidly than if they were dispersed in cytoplasm