Cards (60)

  • What are organelles?
    discrete structures in cells that are adapted to preform one or more vital functions
  • why are organelles efficient
    they are specialized for a limited range of functions
  • which organelles have no membranes
    ribosomes, centrioles, microtubules, proteasomes, nucleoli
  • which organelles have a single membrane
    vesicles, vacuoles, rER, sER, golgi apparatus, lysosomes
  • which organelles have a double membrane
    nuclei, mitochondria, chloroplasts, amyloplasts, chromoplasts
  • which structures are not considered to be organelles
    cell wall, cytoskeleton and cytoplasm
  • why is a cell wall not considered an organelle
    outside plasma membrane so are extracellular structures rather than organelles
  • why is a cytoskeleton not considered to be an organelle
    consists of narrow protein filaments spread through much of the cell so are not discrete enough to be an organelle
  • why is cytoplasm not considered to be an organelle
    not a discrete structure as it includes many different structures and preforms many functions
  • why do prokaryotes have fewer organelles than eukaryotes
    cells are smaller and they concentrate on a more limited range of functions
  • what is an advantage of having DNA in a nucleus (eukaryotes)
    safeguards the DNA and thus keeps it from being damaged
  • what is the benefit in prokaryotic cells of not having the DNA in a nucleus
    translation can occur faster/ immediately because DNA and ribosomes are together in cytoplasm
  • what is the disadvantage in eukaryotic cells of having the DNA in a nucleus
    translation does not happen instantly and has to leave nucleus through nuclear pores, thus mRNA can be changed/modified after transcription
  • how is cytoplasm in eukaryotic cells arranged
    divided into compartments by membrane-bound organelles
  • advantages of compartmentalisation - enzymes
    enzymes and substrates can be much more concentrated than if they were spread throughout the cytoplasm
  • advantages of compartmentalisation - damage
    substances that could damage the cell can be kept inside the membrane of an organelle (e.g. digestive enzymes can kill a cell but is in lysosomes thus are contained)
  • advantages of compartmentalisation - conditions

    conditions such as pH and temperature can be maintained at an ideal level for a particular process, which may be different to other processes
  • advantages of compartmentalisation - movement
    organelles with their contents can be moved around within the cell
  • advantages of compartmentalisation - area
    larger area of membrane available for processes that happen within or across membranes
  • What does the mitochondria do?
    produce ATP via aerobic cell respiration
  • how is mitochondria adapted for its function
  • mitochondria structure helps its function - outer membrane

    outer membrane separates contents of the mitochondrion from the rest of the cell, thus creating a compartment specialised for the biochemical reactions of aerobic respiration
  • mitochondria structure helps its function - inner membrane
    site of oxidative phosphorylation - conations electron transport chains and ATP synthase which together generate proton gradient and use it to produce ATP
  • What are cristae?
    projections of the inner membrane that increase the SA available for oxidative phosphorylation
  • mitochondria structure helps its function - intermembrane space

    between inner and outer membrnae where there are high concentrations of protons is generated by electron transport chains - volume is small so concentration gradient builds up quicker
  • mitochondria structure helps its function - matrix

    contains all enzymes and substrates for the Krebs cycle and link reaction. By concentrating enzymes and substrates in the small volume of the matrix, the reactions of these 2 parts of aerobic respiration can be preformed more rapidly than if they were dispersed in cytoplasm
  • What is the matrix?
    fluid filling the compartment inside the inner mitochondrial membrane
  • adaptions of chloroplast for photosynthesis
    double membrane, thylakoids, fluid inside thylakoid, fluid around thylakoid
  • adaptions of chloroplast for photosynthesis - double membrane
    forming outer chloroplast envelope
  • adaptions of chloroplast for photosynthesis - thylakoids

    internal membrane which are an intense green colour due to chlorophyl and have fluid inside and out of it which contain enzymes
  • What do chloroplasts do?
    absorb light ; produce ATP by photophosphorylation ; carry out chemical reactions of Calvin process
  • chloroplasts - light absorption

    pigment molecules (in photosystems in thylakoid membrane) absorb light
  • how does the thylakoid membrane help with chloroplast absorption
    large area of thylakoid membranes ensure that chloroplasts has a large light absorbing capacity
  • how are thylakoids usually structured
    generally arranged in stacks called grana; more thylakoid = more light absorbed
  • chloroplasts - ATP

    proton gradient needed between inside and out of thylakoid, thus allowing ATP synthesis to begin
  • where is the calvin cycle preformed in the chloroplast
    stroma is where enzymes needed for Calvin process are kept
  • what speeds up Calvin Cycle
    enzymes and substrate concentration
  • what is needed in the Calvin cycle
    ATP and reduced NADP which are easily accessible because thylakoids produce them and are distributed through stroma
  • What is the Calvin Cycle?

    The cycle that uses chemical energy to store chemical energy as sugars and incorporate CO2.
  • why are proteins needed in the nucleus
    proteins synthesised by ribosomes in cytoplasm are needed to form part of the structure of chromosomes