The age of leaving school should be raised -it would be stupid to have people still at school being able to vote
18 is an appropriate age, otherwise political parties would make inappropriate commitments to try to win the votes of the young
the younger the person, the less their ability to make informed judgements
18 is the age of majority. 16 would be too young and 21 wouldn't take account of the fact that by that age many young people are living totally independent lives
UK life expectancy is 80 years, at 18 years , nearly a 1/4 of one's life has passed. I think one easily has enough life experience to make an informed decision
16 year olds don't have a clue about the real world
18 is the age of adulthood, legal independence and unrestricted activity
Based on a test of intelligence and political awareness, 18 is an optimal age
If you are deemed old enough to become a parent, get married and contribute to treasury, then you are deemed old enough to decide who the policies that greatly affect your life