Social Learning Theory

Cards (13)

  • Social Learning Theory
    A way of explaining behaviour that includes both direct and indirect reinforcement, combining learning theory with the role of cognitive factors.
  • Assumptions of SLT
    • Bandura proposed SLT as a development of the behaviourist approach
    • Agreed with the behaviourist approach, but believed patterns of behaviour were also linked to imitation within a social context
    • An observer learns behaviour by watching and imitating
    • This is called modelling a behaviour
  • Imitation
    Copying the behaviour of others.
  • Identification
    When an observer associates themselves with a role model by adopting their behaviours and attitudes.
  • Modelling
    From the observer's perspective, modelling is imitating the behaviour of a role model. From the role model's perspective, modelling is demonstrating a specific behaviour.
  • Vicarious reinforcement
    Reinforcement which is not directly experienced but occurs through observing someone else being reinforced for a behaviour. This is a key factor in imitation.
  • Mediational processes
    Cognitive factors that influence learning and come between the stimulus and the response.
  • Four mediational processes
    attention, retention, motor reproduction, motivation
  • Attention
    the extent to which we notice behaviours
  • retention
    How well the behaviour is remembered
  • Motor production
    the observer's ability to perform the behaviour.
  • Motivation
    the will to perform the behaviour, often determined by whether the behaviour is rewarded or punished.
  • Identification
    • people are more likely to imitate behaviours of people they identify with, role models
    • role models have similar characteristics to observer and/or are attractive/have high status
    • may not be physically present
    • important implications for the influence of the media