The Biological Approach

Cards (14)

  • The Biological Approach
    An approach which emphasises the importance of physical processes in the body e.g genetic inheritance and neural function
  • Assumptions of the biological approach
    • Everything psychological is first biological
    • we must look at biological structures and processes to understand behaviour
    • the mind lives in the brain
    • chemical processes in the brain are responsible for psychological functioning
    • humans have biologically evolved, still share features with animals
  • What are twin studies used for?
    Determining the likelihood that certain traits have a genetic basis, by comparing the concordance rates
  • What are identical twins called?
  • What are non-identical twins called?
  • Concordance rate
    The extent to which both twins share the same characteristics
  • Genotype
    The particular set of genes a person possesses- their genetic makeup
  • Phenotype
    The characteristics of an individual determined by both genes and the environment. The way physical, behavioural and psychological characteristics are expressed- influenced by environmental factors.
  • Human behaviour depends on...
    the interaction between inherited factors (nature) and the environment (nurture).
  • Who introduced the concept of evolution?
    Charles Darwin
  • What causes variation within a species?
    Inherited characteristics
  • Natural Selection
    • Those who have desirable characteristics are likely to survive
    • survival=reproduction
    • unable to survive= die out and take undesirable characteristics with them
  • Strengths
    • scientific method of investigation
    • Real life application
  • Limitations
    -Cannot separate nature and nurture
    -Deterministic view