
Cards (14)

  • US constitution written by Founding Fathers in 1787
  • US constitution is codified - single document
  • Key features of US constitution:
    • separation of powers
    • constitutional division of powers between state + federal governments
    • key powers -> executive, legislative + judiciary
  • US constitution consists of 7 main parts ‘articles‘ + 27 amendments
  • Article 2 - creates executive branch, led by the president, outlines powers + responsibilities of office
  • Article 1 - established legislature branch, with a bicameral Congress consisting of the Senate + House of Representatives
  • Article 3 - lays out foundation for judicial branch, creating Supreme Court + allowing Congress to establish lower federal courts.
  • First 10 amendments = Bill of Rights
  • 1st Amendment - guarantee freedom regarding religion, expressions, assembly + right to petition
  • 2nd Amendment - right to keep + bear arms
  • 19th Amendment - women’s suffrage - right of women to vote
  • Federalism - half-federal + half-national setup, states + national government share authorities
  • 10th Amendment - balance of powers between the federal government + the states.
  • Bipartisanship - where opposing politics parties find common ground through compromise