Causes & Consequences of uneven development

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  • Development: a process of positive change which improves the wealth and quality of like of people
  • Development Gap: the difference in standards of living between the rich and poor
  • Development Continuum: a scale where countries can move up or down
    • HICs
    • Upper Middle Income Countries
    • Lower Middle Income Countries
    • LICs
  • Measuring development: GNI/GDP, birth/death rate, literacy rate, infant mortality, access to clean water, life expectancy etc
  • The world is unevenly developed due to human factors (war, political instability) and physical (climate, relief, natural hazards)
  • Economic Development: the result of increased employment and rising incomes
    Social Development: the result of increasing life expectancies and greater access to education, healthcare, etc
    Political Development: the formation of stable governments and greater freedom of speech