
Cards (6)

  • Humanistic
    • Suggests that humans are in complete control of their own behaviour.
    • Also mentions that behaviour can also particularly be effected or constrained by SOCIAL NORMS
    • It doesn't dismiss the fact that if individuals want to do something they will.
    • REJECTS determinism and reductionism
  • ASSUMPTIONS : Maslow
    • Maslow created the HIGHRACHY OF NEEDS and SELF - ACTUALISATION.
    • Within this were basic and advanced needs that Maslow thought needed to be met in order to fulfil max potential.
  • ASSUMPTIONS : Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
    1. Self Actualization
    2. Esteem
    3. Love and Belonging
    4. Safety
    5. Physiological
    • In order for self actualization to be met the Defeincy Needs have to all be met as well. This is: Esteem, Love and Belonging, Safety, Physiological.
    • Maslow ADAPTED MODEL he created doesn't meet the idea of a contemporary society. This is because it is not true that all these categories must be met in order to be self actualized.
    • Rogers suggest that we consist of " several selves" that need to be integrated to achieve self - actualisation. These are:
    1. THE SELF - what we consider ourselves to be
    2. THE IDEAL SELF - who we wish or aim to be
    3. THE REAL SELF - who really we are
    • Rogers also claimed that individuals have two basic needs:
    1. Positive Regards from Others
    2. Feelings of self worth
    If these are met our self and Ideal self will become CLOSER; allowing for our overall health to be better.
    • Rogers argued that for self - actualisation to be met an individual needs to be congruent
    • CONGRUENT - refers to the similarity existing between an individuals SELF concept and IDEAL SELF concept.
    • !!! It is not to be dismissed that Congruence is very hard to firstly achieve and secondly Maintain as who we wish to be is constantly changing
    • The way people perceive an individual and how an individual perceive themselves can determine if they reach self - actualisation
    • As a result " unconditional positive regard " must always be given to the individual so that they can feel as if they are loved no matter the circumstance