
Cards (14)

  • Relational algrebra allows combining of data from accross tables
  • Operand = data that the operation is performed on
  • Relation = table = set of tuple
  • Selection σ: σ_Predicate(Table) = outputs a table with
    • the same schema as Table
    • including only the tuples in Table satisfying Predicate
  • Projection Π: Π_AttributeSet(Table) = outputs a table
    • with all (but only) attributes/tuples in AttributeSet (column)
    • no duplicate rows (eg. if selecting a single (non superkey) column, any repeating values are now duplicate rows)
  • Rename ρ: ρ_newName(Table) = outputs a table
    • the exact same table but now called newName
  • rename ρ: ρ_newName(_a1, _a2, _a3,...,aN)(Table) outputs a table ​
    • where the table is now called newName
    • the attributes are now called a1, a2 etc
  • rename ρ: ρ_oldname/newname(Table) outputs a table
    • where oldname is replaced with newname
    • can affect the table or attributes
  • Set union ∪: T_1 ∪ T_2 where T1 and T2 are the same schema = outputs a table with
    • the same schema
    • all tuples of T1 and T2 without duplicates
    • (linking or)
    • used to link 2 statements
  • Set difference −: T_1 - T_2 where T1 and T2 are the same schema
    • the same schema
    • tuples in T1 that are NOT in T2
    • (remove tuples in T2 from T1)
  • Cartesian product ×: T_1 × T_2​ outputs a table with
    • all attributes of T1 + all attributes of T2 (same name still counts as different entity)
    • every possible combination of rows is mashed together
    • produces T1 no of tuples * T2 no of tuples results
    • Pair with selection to use as a join!
    • (σPROF.pid = TEACH.pid (TEACH x PROF))
  • Natural Join ⋈: T_1 ⋈ T_2​ outputs the equivalent of:
    • doing cartesian product
    • ensuring attributes that are in common have the same value
    • removing the duplicate attributes(columns)
    • tables with attributes in common will come up empty
    • tables with the same schema will only show identical tuples
  • Intersection ∩: T_1 ∩ T_2​ where T1 and T2 have the same schema
    • the same schema
    • only the tuples that appear in both
    • (linking and)
  • Division ÷: T_1 ÷ T_2​ where T2 has a schema that is a subset of T1
    • basically returns the remaining attributes of T1 that fully match the given comparison table (T2) but without that column itself
    • works by: remaining columns of T1 minus the suppliers not supplying all of them, found by doing the non-important column(s) Cartesian product all columns (all possible combinations) minus T1 (to find the leftovers that don't match)