Fossil fuel deposits used to be rarely changing over short periods of time, but humans have developed technology to exploit them rapidly, though 4000 billion metric tons of carbon remain as fossil fuels.
The carbon cycle could be rebalanced through mitigation techniques such as carbon taxation, renewable switching, energy efficient and CCS but these require global management and player integration.
Renewable energy is likely to be an important component of the future energy mix as it has a low carbon footprint (in most cases), the technology is always improving and becoming more efficient.
The process of extracting bitumen is water and energy intensive, producing a large volume of waste (12 barrels or hot water produce 1 barrel of bitumen and 3 barrels of tailing pond waste).
Many engines and appliances are designed to operate on oil, therefore to continue to extract oil would avoid large changes to many important engines: vehicles, planes, etc.
The majority of shale gas is found in the US, which would improve the US’s economy and provide an alternative source to Russian oil (if political tensions between UK and Russia continue, our energy security is at risk).
When permafrost melts, trapped carbon is released into the atmosphere as CO2 and methane which increases greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere.
A climate tipping point is a critical threshold; when this threshold is reached, small changes in the global climate system can transform a stable system irreversibly.
A tipping point could be reached when trees no longer absorb much CO2 which in turn increases the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to further dry summers.