Linear Regression

Cards (7)

  • Cronbach's alpha to assess internal reliability/consistency
  • Cronbach's alpha
    • Determines the internal consistency or average correlation of items in a questionnaire to assess its internal reliability
    • Should range between 0 and 1 (if negative, check you have  ‘reversed scored the correct items’)
  • reliability/internal consistency
    Cronbach’s alpha (α) larger than .9 is deemed excellent, between .8 and .9 is considered Good, .7-.8 is Acceptable, .6-.7 is questionable, .5-.6 is poor and below .5 is considered unacceptable
  • What is the difference between correlation and regression?
    ·       Correlation looks for the (symmetric) relation between variables
    ·       Correlation assumes bivariate normality
    ·       Regression examines how one or more variables (Xs) can predict another variable (Y)
    ·       Regression assumes residuals* are normally distributed and that the predicting variables are measured without error
  • What is regression
    -       A hypothetical model of the relationship between two variables
    -       The model used is a linear one
    -       Therefore, we describe the relationship using the equation of a straight line
    Outcome = model + error
  • yi = b0 +bix
    Regression line
    Bi – regression coefficient for the predictor ‘I’
    -       Gradient of the regression line
    -       Direction/strength of relationship
    B0 – intercept (value of y when x = 0
    Point at which regression line crosses the y-axis (ordinate)
  • •       Cronbach’s alpha to assess reliability of a scale
    •       Linear regression with one predictor
    •       We assess the fit of a regression model
    •       ANOVA – F-test (is the model better than chance)
    •       R2 – what proportion of the variance in outcome score is accounted for by the model
    •       Quick overview of Regression in JASP (more in practical)
    •       Interpretation of a regression model