
Cards (4)

  • Arguments for death penalty
    ultimate deterrent
    ensure no longer a problem in society
    more expensive to keep them in prison
    only way to get retribution
    arguments against
    Not seen as deterrent by some, didn’t stop unplanned killings
    seen as uncivilised
    murder hadn’t increased in countries with the death penalty
    legal system could make a mistake and kill an innocent person
  • 1948- Mps in the House of Commons voted to suspend the death penalty.
    1949- The Royal Commission was set up to look into whether laws about capital punishment should be changed, it recommended banning it for those under 21 and mentally ill, but not abolition unless wanted by the public.
  • cases for the abolition of the death penalty
    1950- Timothy Evans was hanged for killing his wife and child. he said John Cristie did it during his trial. 3 years later evidence came out that suggested that christie was the killer.
    1955- Ruth Ellis was hanged for killing her abusive boyfriend, the public sympathised with her as she was abused by her victim.
    1953- 19- yead old Derek Bentely was execute for murdering a policeman, even though he hadn't actually fired the gun.
  • the abolition of death penalty laws
    1957 homicide act- different categories for different categories of murder. Only the worst types of murder were punishable by death
    1965 Murder (abolition of death penalty) Act: suspended the death penalty in Britain. In 1969, the death penalty was permanently abolished.