Cards (82)

  • psychometric approach is a theoretical perspective that portrays intelligence as a trait (or set of traits) on which individuals differ; psychometric theorists are responsible for the development of standardized intelligence tests.
  • Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon produced the forerunner of the modern intelligence tests. these tests are created to benefit the dull children from remedial instructions
  • mental age (MA) is a measure of intellectual development that reflects the level of age-graded problems a child is able to solve. for example, a child who passed all items at the 10 year old level would have an MA of 10 years
  • original impetus for the creation of the IQ test, and the current basis for understanding the use and interpretation of IQ scores, is to predict school performance (slow learners)
  • factor analysis is a statistical procedure for identifying clusters of tests or test items (called factors) that are highly correlated with one another and unrelated to other test items. this will determine whether intelligence is a single attribute or not
  • Charles Spearman (1927) was among the first to use factor analysis to try to determine whether intelligence was one or many abilities
  • g is Spearman’s abbreviation for neogenesis, which, roughly translated, means one’s ability to understand relations (or general mental ability).
  • s is Spearman’s term for mental abilities that are specific to particular tests
  • primary seven mental abilities, identified by factor analysis, that Thurstone believed to represent the structure of intelligence. including reasoning, verbal meaning (defining words), word fluency (speed at recognizing words), memory, and inductive reasoning (forming a rule that describes a set of observations).
  • structure-of-intellect model is Guilford’s factor-analytic model of intelligence, which proposes that there are 180 (5 kinds of intellectual contents, 6 kinds of mental operations and 6 kinds of intellectual products) distinct mental abilities.
  • fluid intelligence is the ability to perceive relationships and solve relational problems of the type that are not taught and are relatively free of cultural influences
  • fluid intelligence is the ability to perceive relationships and solve relational problems of the type that are not taught and are relatively free of cultural influences
  • 2 major dimensions of intellect: fluid intelligence and cystallized intelligence
  • crystallized intelligence is the ability to understand relations or solve problems that depend on knowledge acquired from schooling and other cultural influences
  • measures of crystallized intelligence: word comprehension (“What is the meaning of duplicate?”), and numerical abilities
  • hierarchical model of intelligence is a model of the structure of intelligence in which a broad, general ability factor is at the top of the hierarchy, with a number of specialized ability factors nested underneath.
  • three-stratum theory of intelligence is Carroll’s hierarchical model of intelligence with g at the top of the hierarchy, eight broad abilities at the second level, or stratum, and narrower domains of each second-stratum ability at the third stratum
  • triarchic theory of intelligence, proposed by Robert Stenberg is a recent information-processing theory of intelligence that emphasizes three aspects of intelligent behavior not normally tapped by IQ tests: the context of the action, the person’s experience with the task (or situation), and the information-processing strategies the person applies to the task (or situation)
  • the contextual component in the triarchic model is displayed by practical intelligence, or “street smarts.” Psychologists, Sternberg believes, must begin to understand intelligence as adaptive real-world behavior, not as behavior in taking test
  • punctuality in important engagements is considered a contextual intelligence
  • second kind of experiential intelligence reflects automatization, or increasing efficiency of information-processing with practice. According to Sternberg, it is a sign of intelligence when we develop automatized routines for performing everyday tasks accurately and efficiently so that we don’t have to waste much time or conscious thought when accomplishing them
  • cultural bias is the situation that arises when one cultural or subcultural group is more familiar with test items than another group and therefore has an unfair advantage
  • componential aspects of intelligent behavior—that is, the cognitive processes by which we size up the requirements of problems, formulate strategies to solve them, and then monitor our cognitive activities until we’ve accomplished our goals
  • componential aspects of intelligent behavior—that is, the cognitive processes by which we size up the requirements of problems, formulate strategies to solve them, and then monitor our cognitive activities until we’ve accomplished our goals
  • theory of multiple intelligences is Gardner’s theory that humans display as many as nine distinct kinds of intelligence, each linked to a particular area of the brain and several of which are not measured by IQ tests
  • theory of multiple intelligences is Gardner’s theory that humans display as many as nine distinct kinds of intelligence, each linked to a particular area of the brain and several of which are not measured by IQ tests
  • linguistic is a type of intelligence under gardner's multiple intelligences which characterized as sensitivity to the meanings and sounds of words, to the structure of language, and to the many ways language can be used
  • spatial is one type of intelligence under gardner's multiple intelligences in which it refers to the Ability to perceive visual-spatial relationships accurately, to transform these perceptions, and to re-create aspects of one’s visual experience in the absence of the pertinent stimuli
  • logical-mathematical is a type of intelligence under gardner's multiple intelligences in which it is the Ability to operate on and to perceive relationships in abstract symbol systems and to think logically and systematically in evaluating one’s ideas
  • musical is a type of intelligence referring to the Sensitivity to pitch, melody; ability to combine tones and musical phrases into larger rhythms; understanding of the emotional aspects of music
  • body-kinesthetic as a type of intelligence is referred to the Ability to use the body skillfully to express oneself or achieve goals; ability to handle objects skillfully
  • interpersonal as a type of intelligence is defined as the Ability to detect and respond appropriately to the mood, temperaments, motives, and intentions of others
  • intrapersonal is a type of intelligence characterized as the Sensitivity to one’s own inner states; recognition of personal strengths and weaknesses and ability to use information about the self to behave adaptively
  • naturalist is a type of intelligence defined as the sensitivity to the factors influencing and influenced by organisms (fauna and flora) in the natural environment
  • naturalist is a type of intelligence defined as the sensitivity to the factors influencing and influenced by organisms (fauna and flora) in the natural environment
  • spiritual/existential is a type of intelligence in which it is the Sensitivity to issues related to the meaning of life, death, and other aspects of the human condition
  • savant syndrome characterizes mentally retarded people with an extraordinarytalent
  • savant syndrome characterizes mentally retarded people with an extraordinarytalent
  • Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, developed by the Lewis Terman of Stanford University is the modern descendant of the first successful intelligence test that measures general intelligence and four factors: verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, spatial reasoning, and short-term memory
  • intelligence quotient (IQ) is a numerical measure of a person’s performance on an intelligence test relative to the performance of other examinee, developed by Stern which was adopted by Terman to incorporate in the test