
Cards (8)

  • disoriented- children display freezing or contradictory behaviours both when parents enter or leave the room.
  • insecure resistant- children are clingy and afraid of separation and strangers. They become easily upset or highly distressed when separated from their caregiver.
  • insecure avoidant- children don't orient their behaviour towards their caregiver; treat mother and stranger in much the same way.
  • secure- infants feel content to explore a strange environment and use their caregivers as a safe base; wary of strangers
  • attachments- a deep and enduring emotional bond between a child and their primary caregiver
    ~ infancy is a critical period to form positive attachments
  • attachment styles- patterns of attachment that develop during early childhood, which influence how people relate to others throughout life
  • Bowlby believed children are 'biologically pre-programmed' to form attachments in infancy.
  • Bowlby argues that infants have an inbuilt need to form an attachment with a carer. The quality of this attachment may affect emotional development for the rest of the child’s life.