Prof Ed- Assessment of Learning

Cards (47)

  • The 60th percentile rank in a class indicates that the student is performing above average.
  • A discrimination index of -30 on a test item indicates that it is not appropriate for use in the test.
  • Formative assessment is a crucial part of teaching and learning.
  • Narrative assessment can be checked by comparing the student's statements with the intended right values.
  • Standardized test is an example of a formative assessment.
  • In order to move up to the next grade level, a student who did not meet expectations in two learning areas must show improvement in both areas.
  • On the age period of development, schools should teach knowledge and appreciation of career and professional values by the age of 12.
  • Mastery Test is an example of an appropriate assessment.
  • A test item with a difficulty index of 0.70 and a discriminating power of 0.40 should be retained for use in the test.
  • The rationale behind providing immediate feedback is to improve the learning process.
  • Alternative Assessment is an example of an appropriate assessment.
  • Patrick's score of 75 out of 100 items in Grammar indicates that he has mastered the subject.
  • The Table of Competencies relates to the kinds of test questions.
  • DepEd emphasizes learning and assessment, with assessment given the highest percentage contribution to the grade of students.
  • A teacher who makes assessment tests a constructive process for students is sending a message of quality education.
  • In a school where teacher evaluations are based partly on their students' scores on a standardized test, a teacher noted that one of his students did not reach the vocabulary items on a standardized test.
  • The teacher's action of noting that one of his students did not reach the vocabulary items on a standardized test is considered ethical.
  • Measurement and evaluation are different processes.
  • Thesis is a requirement in school that is usually culminates with oral panel defense.
  • Administering pretest and post-test to the learners in today’s learning facilitation process is important to sustain quality while ensuring safety.
  • A mother is a great person in the world who is willing to sacrifice herself and serve her beloved child whom she considers her greatest treasure.
  • A student vehemently reacted for being marked wrong in her answer which as “False”.
  • St. Martin De Porres Academy administered a standardized achievement test instead of giving a teacher-made test to the graduating grade school pupils.
  • The table of specification is required in test standardization when the test is used for certification.
  • The standardized achievement test is used to measure various social, emotional and personal traits, attitudes and values.
  • The lowest level of affective domain is represented by the objective "Understanding and Accepting Feelings."
  • During deliberation of graduating honor students, the faculty members decided to declare Student A to be the class salutatorian over Student B based on the computation of grades.
  • Mrs. Joan's first priority in giving an exam is to make it long.
  • The difficulty index of a test item indicates that the item is defective.
  • The basic for ascertaining that a teacher succeeds in her work of educating individual learners is the student's actual performance in a test.
  • Mrs. Joan was adopted by a family who found her in a box at the doorstep of the house when she was just a baby.
  • The test appropriate for developing student's ability to organize thoughts and ideas is a standardized achievement test.
  • The most reliable measure of central tendency when scores are extremely high and low is the median.
  • The score distribution is extreme if scores are extreme.
  • The spread of test scores is measured by the standard deviation.
  • A test item that includes a flower is defective because it is not specific to the subject matter.
  • The distribution of scores in a class is likely to be extreme if the class is composed of academically poor students.
  • One of the issues confronted by the facilitators in this new normal learning system is the rampant cheating during online exams.
  • The least to consider in taking remedy to the given issue is the numerical grade corresponding to the descriptor “Did not meet expectations?”
  • The measure that contributes heaviest to the student grade in MAPEH and TLE is the subject teacher's grade.