Experimental design

Cards (12)

  • What is the experimental design?
    The different ways in which ppts can be organised in relation to the experimental conditions
  • Types of experimental designs
    • Independent groups design
    • Repeated measures
    • Matched-pairs design
  • What is the independent groups design?
    Ppts are allocated to diff groups where each group represents a diff experimental condition
  • What is repeated measures?
    All ppts take part in all conditions of the experiment (all experimental conditions and the control condition)
  • What is the matched pairs design?
    Pairs of ppts are first matched on some variable(s) that may affect the dependent variable, then one of each pair is allocated to a diff condition
  • Advantages of independent groups
    • Quic,k and efficient
    • Good variety of people
    • Random allocation allows even distribution of ppts characteristics across the conditions
  • Disadvantages of independent groups design
    • Ppt variables may act as a confounding variable reducing validity of findings (problem is dealt w/ random allocation)
  • Advantages of repeated measures
    • To balance out order effects the researcher uses counterbalancing
    • No ppt variables
    • Fewer ppts + cheaper
    • On a skill-based task, after doing the first task, the ppts peformance may improve by practice and they would perform better on the second task
  • Disadvantages of repeated-measures
    • Each ppt has to do at least two tasks
    • There are order effects (order in which the tasks are done is significant) - problem is dealt with counterbalancing
    • Repeating two tasks could create fatigue that may cause deterioration in performance on the second task
    • By experiencing all conditions of the study, ppts are more like to work out the aim so demand characteristics will arise
  • What is counterbalancing?
    Half of the ppts do condition A first then B, the other half do B, then A and then the two groups switch so that every ppt does the two conditions again but in the opposite order
  • Advantages of matched pairs
    • No order effect because ppt only goes through one condition
    • Less likely to be demand characteristics
  • Disadvantages of matched pairs
    • Ppts can never be matched exactly and differences may affect the DV
    • Matching may be time-consuming and time consuming if a pre-test is required = less economical than other designs