Legumes have root nodules on their roots that contain the rhizobium
the rhizobium give the nitrogen to the legumes to form amino acids and proteins
Bacteria perform ammonification, oxidation and denitrification
Rhizobium perform nitrogen fixation in root nodules and the soil
Complete store labels
A) Atmosphere
B) Plants
C) Animals
D) Dead Organic Matter
E) Ammonia
F) Nitrites
G) Nitrates
H) Water bodies
Complete process labels
A) Nitrogen fixation
B) Eaten
C) Death
D) Ammonification
E) Oxidation
F) Oxidation
G) root absorption
H) denitrification
I) Ionisation
J) Nitrogen fixation
K) leaching
Complete types of nitrogen labels
A) NOx N2
B) Amino acids and protein
C) Amino acids and proteins
D) amino acids and proteins
E) NH3
F) NO2 -
G) NO3 -
Complete extra info labels
A) Rhizobium
B) Legumes
C) Root nodules containing rhizobium
D) Bacteria
E) Bacteria
F) soluble
G) dissolved in water
H) bacteria
I) Lightning
Human impacts on the nitrogen cycle:
Artificial fertiliser use - nitrogen poisoning
NOx - combustion engines
Agriculture - ploughing
Human impacts on the nitrogen cycle:
Artificial fertiliser and nitrogen compounds in the soil can leach into water bodies - Eutrophication
Farmland is fertilised. Fertiliser leaches/percolates into water bodies.
Algae uses it first and causes an algal bloom. This covers the surface of the water and uses it all for photosynthesis.
Aquatic plants die due to lack of light for photosynthesis
bacteria breaks down dead plants, using up oxygen in the water that is not replaced by the plants.
Animals cannot aerobically respire so die due to deoxygenation
Algae dies and releases toxins
Human impacts on the nitrogen cycle:
Agriculture - ploughing - churns up the soil to mix fertile and non-fertile soil. This adds oxygen to the soil:
increase aerobic processes
increase in nitrates
increase of nitrates absorption into plants
increase plant growth
It also decreases anaerobic processes
less nitrates are removed from the soil - plant legumes to increase nitrogen fixation - use artificial fertiliser
Reducing human impacts:
Use organic fertiliser and more natural methods to increase nitrogen e.g manure
Crop rotation - change the type of crop in fields each year to allow nutrients to replenish naturally
Farming location - away from water bodies, do not use artificial fertiliser near water, drip irrigation to reduce runoff, buffer strip of hedges or trees
NOx - electric cars and catalytic converters
ion exchange - clean water for drinking, stops nitrogen poisoning