
Cards (18)

  • What are sampling techniques?
    Method used to select people from the population
  • What is a population?
    A group of people who are the focus of researcher's interest
  • What is a sample?
    A group of people who take part in a research investigation. The sample is drawn from a population
  • What is a random sample?
    All the members of the target population have an equal chance of being selected - first get list of all members of population, then assign numbers to names, then pick numbers from a hat
  • What are the sampling techniques
  • What is a systematic sample?
    When every nth member of the target population is selected
  • What is an opportunity sample
    Researcher asks whoever is around and available at the time of their study e.g. in the street
  • What is a volunteer sample?
    Ppts select themselves to be part of the sample (find out through advertisment)
  • Advantages of random sample
    • Unbiased - extraneous variables are equally divided between diff groups - enhance internal validity
  • Disadvantages of random sample
    • Difficult and time-consuming to conduct as complete list of target population is hard to obtain
    • Selected ppts may refuse to take part meaning you end up with more of a volunteer sample
  • Advantages of systematic
    • Objective and well controlled
  • Disadvantages of systematic
    • Time-consuming
    • Ppts may refuse to take part
  • Advantages of stratified sample
    • Representative as it is designed accurately to reflect composition of the population
  • Disadvantages of stratified
    • Identified strata cannot reflect all ways that people are different so complete representation is not possible
  • Advantages of opportunity
    • Convenient
    • Less expensive
  • Disadvantages of opportunity
    • Unrepresentative of target population as sample is drawn from a specific area
    • Researcher bias - researcher has all control over who they choose for sample, may avoid people they don't like the look of
  • Advantages of volunteer
    • Minimal effort from researcher
    • Easy to get volunteers with advertisement
    • Less time-consuming
    • Ppts are more engaged as they opted to be here
  • Disadvantages of volunteer
    • Volunteer bias - volunteers may try to please the researcher so findings can't always be generalised