which poem: before you were minesignificance: joyful verbs that implies that she wishes she could have experiences her mothers life before she has herthemes:past, memory, regret, family
which poem: eden rocksignificance: shows that his father looks identical to his memory which has connotations who he scared a lot about his parental figures.themes:past, memory, lost, longing, family
which poem : before you were minesignificance: shows the daughter, questioning Marilyn and has a sympathetic tone towards her mothertheme: past, memory, regret, family
which poem : porphyria's lover significance: shows the one sided perspective as if he knows that she felt no pain. Symbolising their everlasting relationship now that she physically can;t leave him theme: seceret, love, pain, death, desire, longing, obession
which poem: farmers bridesignificance: shows how the female character has no voice and is discouraged from doing so which reinforces the patriarchal society from the 19th centurythemes:pain, loss,death, desire, longing, nature
which poem: farmers bridesignificance: suggests how long this has been going on for and connotes imagery of the men being hunters and the wife being the prey (innocent and vulnerable)themes:pain, loss,death, desire, longing, nature
which poem: farmers bridesignificance: suggests that he had a choice of women yet picked a 'young' girl which shows his powerful and dominant sauce in contrast to herthemes:pain, loss,death, desire, longing, nature
which poem: porphyria's loversignificance: implies that it was a out of moment action and he felt the need for his obsession and possessiveness to take over.themes: seceret, love, pain, death, desire, longing, obession
which poem: letters from Yorkshiresignificance: a metaphor that links his words to refreshing nourishment and it conveys the sense of emotional outpouring.themes: love, longing, distance, nature
which poem: letters from yorkshiresignificance: shows that letters aren't are a romantic gesture but they feed love.themes: love, longing, distance, nature
which poem: letters from yorkshiresignificance: shows separation and love survives physical difference when experiences and feelings are shared themes: love, longing, distance, nature
which poem: sonnet 29significance: Her growing thoughts are beginning to feed off of him and become detrimental. "Tree" and "thee" sets up an internal rhyme which makes the relationship appear more harmoniousthemes:secret, love, desire, longing, nature, joy, passion
which poem: sonnet 29significance: short exclamatory sentences which begins the poem leaving the reader questioning where she is in pain or joyfulthemes:secret, love, desire, longing, nature, joy, passion
which poem: singh songsignifcance: shows the power of his love for his 'newly bride' however there is a lot of conflict with his bride and parents. This could imply how creates a lack of professionalism and prioritises his wife and relationship over his shop.themes:joy, romance, love, family bonds, conflict
which poem: sonnet 29significance: hows circular form echoing from the beginning, but change of words suggests resolution.themes:secret, love, desire, longing, nature, joy, passion
which poem: sonnet 29significance: connotes how she proudly prefers her husband physically over her dreams and how delight of seeing him soon.themes:secret, love, desire, longing, nature, joy, passion
which poem: sonnet 29significance: is an extended metaphor showing how her husband is the tree and her thoughts are vines twined around it, which can connote overwhelming emotions.themes:secret, love, desire, longing, nature, joy, passion
which poem: singh songsignificance: the word 'tickles' recalls playful imagery suggesting their fun and ambiguous relationship.themes: joy, romance, love, family bonds, conflict
which poem: singh songsignificance: the repetition of 'baby' shows how affectionate he is towards his wife and could suggest how close they are therefore leading to him being protective.themes:joy, romance, love, family bonds, conflict
which poem: climbing my grandfathersignificnace: gets the reader's attention exactly as his father used to get his attention which reflects memories and nostalgic feelings.themes:love, famoly, childhood
which poem: followersignificance: gets the reader's attention exactly as his father used to get his attention which reflects memories and nostalgic feelings.themes:
and folded one over the other like a pair of wings settling after flight'
which poem: winter swanssignificance: implies changes from the beginning 2 lines at the end may symbolise the couple moving together like a 'pair' of swans and reconnect with one another.themes: distance, nature, anger, bitterness, reconciliation
which poem: neutral tonessignificance: these being the final words suggests that the poem ends the same way it started as a lack of hope or progression.themes: pain, loss, death, bitterness, nature, anger
which poem: neutral tonessignificance: creates an unhappy memory perhaps making them less than neutral or honest instead as bitter and bleak.themes:pain, loss, death, bitterness, nature, anger
which poem: neutral tonessignificance: to exemplify the natural imagery and shows how the nature is dead like their love. In the final stanza of neutral tones suggest a lack of hope or progression from the beginning.themes:pain, loss, death, bitterness, nature, anger
I was a busicance, tripping, falling yapping away'
which poem: followersignificance: can infer how the father helps his son up when he 'falls' and will be there for his son even if it slows his work down.themes: family, letting go, parental love, childhood
which poem: followersignificance: which implies how even though his father had a busy schedule he makes time for his son.themes: family, letting go, parental love, childhood
which poem: eden rocksignificance: uses enjambment and imagery to suggest the passage of the stream bellow being like the passage of time and a steam flowing reflective of life and how fast past it flashes by.themes:past, memory, lost, longing, family
which poem: eden rocksignificance: shows typical parental figure and verbal support to make their son feel more confident about a difficult task of grief and acceptance.themes:past, memory, lost, longing, family
which poem: mother any distancesignificance: suggests doubts about separation and overall leaves the perspective of huge failure or success.themes:family, parental love, letting go, childhood
Selfhood begins with a walking away and love is proved in the letting go'
which poem: walking awaysignificance: shows the fathers philosophical perspective and optimistic outcome for his sons future.themes:family,letting go, childhood,parental love
which poem: mother any distancesignificance: is further away from the mother implying how the distance increases as you go further down into the poem.themes:family, parental love, letting go, childhood
which poem: mother any distancesignificance: is a metaphor for distance and the physical differencethemes: family, parental love, letting go, childhood
which poem: walking awaysignificance: creates new boundaries for the father as the son navigates his independence and the unknown.themes:family,letting go, childhood,parental love
which poem: walking awaysignificance: shows the physical difference growing and the significance of their relationshipthemes:family,letting go, childhood,parental love
Your fingertips still pinch the last 100th of an inch'
which poem: mother any distancesignificance: is conveyed in a close up perspective on fingers 'pinching' which implies his mothers desires to keep holding on, even though throughout the poem he builds up the courage to be independent.themes:family, parental love, letting go, childhood
which poem: mother any distancesignificance: suggests the son still needs his mothers support and guidance and the direct tone of address emphasises there bondthemes:family, parental love, letting go, childhood
which poem: walking awaysignificance: is a simile to convey how in the father perspective this feels unnatural, violent and to an unknown occurrence.themes:family,letting go, childhood,parental love