english language

Cards (26)

  • fastidious- very attentive to and concerned about accuracy or details (adj.)
    sentence- he is fastidious about his appearance and hates wrinkled clothing
  • trepidation- a feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen (n)
    sentence- in a sense of trepidation as she approached the dark alley
  • lovelorn- feeling sad and lonely because of unrequited love (adj.)
    sentence- she has been lovelorn ever since her crush started dating someone else
  • fervent- having an intense feeling or passion for something (adj.)
    sentence- the young poet wrote fervent love letters to her crush
  • phlegmatic- calm; not easily get emotional or angry (adj.)
    sentence- despite the chaotic situation, mark remained phlegmatic and calmly assessed the problem.
  • reticent- keeping to yourself; not likely to draw attention to yourself; uncommunicative (adj.)
    sentence- the discussion was so lively that even my more reticent friends joined in
  • irascible- easily angered (adj.)
    sentence- the irascible man would often yell at kids playing on the street
  • euphoric- characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness. (adj.)
    sentence- a euphoric sense of freedom
  • melancholy- a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. (n)
    sentence- an air of melancholy surrounded him
  • indignant- feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment (adj.)
    sentence- he was indignant at being the object of suspicion
  • lurid- unpleasantly bright in colour, especially so as to create a harsh or unnatural effect, causing horror or revulstion(adj.)
    sentence- all the lurid details of their divorce came out in the papers"
  • abhor- regard with disgust and hatred (v)
    sentence- he abhorred sexism in every form
  • demure- reserved, modest, and shy (typically used of a woman). (v)
    sentence- a demure young lady
  • vociferous- expressing or characterized by vehement opinions; loud and forceful (adj.)
    sentence- he was a vociferous opponent of the takeover
  • vehement- showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense (adj.)
    sentence- her voice was low but vehement
  • circumspect- wary and unwilling to take risks (adj.)
    sentence- the officials were very circumspect in their statements
  • perplexed- completely baffled; very puzzled. (Adj.)
    sentence- she gave him a perplexed look
  • multifaceted- having many different aspects or features (adj.)
    sentence- his extraordinary and multifaceted career
  • prevaricate- to avoid giving a direct answer or direct from the truth (v)
    sentence- the child chose to prevaricate when asked who had broken the vase
  • pulchritude- physical beauty (n)
    sentence-he saw beyond her obvious pulchritude and spent time getting to know her
  • seraphic- angelic, sweet (adj)
    sentence- the childs seraphic voice matched her innocent appearance
  • inure- to become immune to unpleasant events or situations (V)
    sentence- living in the north east will inure you to cold weather
  • irascible- easily angered (adj.)
    sentence- the irascible man would often yell at the kids playing across the street
  • assiduous- hard-working, diligent (adj.)
    sentence- an assiduous student is likely to finish college in less than 4 years
  • systematically- according to a fixed plan or system (adv.)
    sentence- we searched systematically for evidence
  • A linear narrative presents the events of the story in the order in which they actually happened