Gillborn and Mirza 2000: (in one local authority) black children 20% above local average but by GCSEs they had worst results of any group - 21 points below average
Strand 2010: Black Caribbean children made significantly less progress than white children
Gillborn and Youdell 2000: teachers quicker to discipline black students due to 'racialised expectations' - leading to conflict between white and black students. Internal more important than external.
Bourne 1994: Black children more likely to be expelled leading to 1/5 achieving 5 GCSEs
Osler 2001: Black students more likely to be internally excluded and sent to PRUs
Foster 1990: stereotype of disruptive Black students leads to Black students being placed in lower streams - leading to self fulfilling prophecy and thus underachievement
Wright 1992: Teachers have ethnocentric views leading to condescending attitudes in the classroom regarding language towards Asian pupils (mispronouncing names) leading to Asian girls in particular being unable to participate fully.
Archer 2008: found that teachers define students. Defined 3 identities:
ideal pupil (white)
pathologised pupil (asian)
demonised (white or black)
Archer 2010: Asian children labelled as passive, quiet and docile
Shain 2003: when Asian children challenge Archer 2010 stereotype - they are more severely punished
Archer and Francis 2006: sum up the view of Chinese children as a 'negative positive stereotype'
Fuller 1984: Black girls Yr11 were placed in lower streams despite being high achievers culminating in their utter rejection of negative labels. However, they did not limit their choice of friends and did not search for academic approval. Conformed to school only in school
Mac an Ghaill's 1992: students who believed they were labelled nagatively did not necessarily accept the label
Mirza 1992: identified three types of racism in school:
colour blind (allow racism unchallenged)
liberal chauvinists (black culturally deprived, racialised expectations)
overt racists (actively discriminate against black students)
Sewell 2009: black boys responses to schools
rebels (anti school)
conformists (pro school)
retreatists (isolated from school and black culture)
innovators (pro education and anti school)
Troyna and Williams 1986: defined individual racism and institutional racism
Roithmayr 2003: institutional racism is 'locked in inequality'
Gillborn 2008: ethnic inequality so deep rooted is 'inevitable' (ROithmary 2003 locked in inequality)
Gillborn 1997: marketisation increases streaming - leading to further stereotyping (Education Reform Act 1988)
Moore and Davenport 1990: streaming leads to ethnic neo-segregation. Primary schools screen out students with English as an additional language - resulting in an ethnically stratified education system.
Commission for racial equality 1993:
racist reports from schools
racial bias in interviews
lack of inclusion for minority languages
ethnic group parents uninformed on applications
Troyna and Williams 1986: meagre provision for asian languages relative to european
David 1993: specifically English curriculum that ignores non-European cultures
Ball 1994: curriculum promotes 'little Englandism' and promotes a 'mythical age of empire' whilst eradicating Black and Asian people
Coard 1971/2005: images of Black people being inferior from British history curriculum leads to self esteem issues and worse success
Stone 1981: contradicts Coard 1971/2005 as he argues Black children do not in fact suffer with low self esteem
Gillborn 2008: 'assesment game' rigged to validate the dominant culture. 'rules will be changed to reengineer failure
Gillborn 2008: FSP's introduced in 2003. In one local authority, Black children were 20% above the average in 2000. By 2003 the FSP raked black children on average lower in all developmental fields. FSP based entirely on teachers judgements. FSP's completed end of year vs baselines at the start
Sanders and Horn 1995: gaps between ethnic groups widen when more weighting given to teachers rather than exams
Gillborn 2008: white pupils 2X as likley to enter gifted and talented program and 5X as likely than Black African students
Tikly et al 2006: Aiming High in the 30 schools subscribed - Black students nevertheless were entered into lower streams and lower tier GCSEs
Strand 2012: Black students underrepresented in higher tier tests reflecting teachers racialised expectations leading to self fulfilling prophecies
Gillborn and Youdell 2001: teachers make false asumptions from racialised expectations and they see potential as a fixed quality. Secondary schools now using IQ tests more - fixed quality.
Gillborn 2008: Asian students perform and ideological function - making the system seem fair and meritocratic, justifies the failure of other minorities, ignores how 'model minorities' still suffer same discrimination
Evans 2006: to view relationship with ethnicity and achievement we must look at gender and class
Connolly 2006: 'interactions effect' - class and gender react differently with ethnicity depending on the group we study