Adenauer mistrusted and feared the Soviets and looked for protection in the West.
The German Question:
He believed that Western reunification had to be on the terms of maintaining a Western capitalistic state. Publically assured people that reunification was close to his heart but wouldn't give into communism.
Economic Policy:
Wanted to create economic stability. The Korean War helped spur the economy out of a recession, the boom created was shaped by Erhard's social market. Create a free market
The fall of Adenauer:
Spring 1959 - Heuss (first President) gave up his presidency. Although Adenauer originally went for it, he withdrew due to Chancellor having more power over the continuing of his policies
He was more concerned than the finance minister would become the chancellor - lost sympathy with the public as he was seen as tarnishing the position of chancellorship
at 83 years old he lost the pinnacle of his political career
TV Dispute:
Set up national tb company - Deutschland Fernsehen -GmbH
effectively state controlled
SPD claimed that it was a threat to the freedom of the Media
Feb 1961 - the company was declared unconstitutional - dissolved
accused of undermining federalism
1961 election and the new coalition:
economy was growing well and many Germans remained cautious of supporting the youthful SPD leader Willy Brandt - meaning that the CDU was confident in winning the 1961 election
Misjudged the situation with the Berlin Wall - attacked Brandt who was mayor of West Berlin - gained sympathy
Won but only with 45% which was not an absolute majority - wend with the FDP who had 12%
FDP often opposed Adenauer
Der Spiegel Affair:
politcally left wing magazine
criticised CSU leader Strauss, who was appointed minister of defence. He was a hardliner
1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis - the magazine published that NATO would get involved (warsaw pact) - attacked Strauss