limited rights - state can limit in certain scenarios
qualified rights - ecthr can decide if interference with rights is allowed
article 15 - can derrogate in times of war or a public emergency
derrogate - excemption - don't need to follow
uk is dualist
dualist - parliment must pass law for eu laws to count - don't become law automatically
monist system - automatically becomes law
entrenchment - a procedure that would make an act of parliment difficult to repeal or ammend in the future
bill of rights - list of hr that can't be taken away
arguments for bill of rights - all issues handled in domestic courts - supreme court would be highest - prevent foreign nationals using hra to stay in country
argument against bill of rights - breach good friday - need devolved nations to agree
strengths of hra - parliementary supremacy - reduces issues with ecthr - challenge in uk instead of strasbourgh - interpret convention rights
weaknesses of hra - strain on judges to avoid declerations of incompatibility - still might take along time - can be repealed
vertical relationship - power above - individual v state
horizontal relationship - equal power - individual v individual