The Treaty of Versailles (which dealt with Germany) was signed in June 1919.
The other four treaties dealt with other defeated countries: St Germain – dealt with Austria, Neuilly – dealt with Bulgaria, Trianon – dealt with Hungary, Sevres – dealt with Turkey (the former Ottoman Empire).
The motives and aims of the Big Three at Versailles were:
David Lloyd George (Great Britain) – to be popular, to win votes in elections back in Britain, and to make Germany pay;
Clemenceau (France) – revenge against Germany, weaken Germany forever, prevent Germany from threatening France ever again
Woodrow Wilson (the USA) – to keep Germany strong, prevent another war in 25 years, and to create a League of Nations., and keep Germany strong for trade and peace worldwide;
The Treaty of Versailles was not fair to Germany as it imposed harsh reparations, reduced the German army to 100,000 max., and prohibited Germany from having a navy.
The Paris Peace Conference was a compromise between the Big Three and other countries and groups with rival claims, such as Romania wanting Transylvania and the Jews wanting a homeland.
The impact of the peace treaty on Germany up to 1923 was that they felt it was unfair, it was a 'Diktat' imposed settlement, they had not been allowed to take part in the talks, and it damaged their pride with the War Guilt Clause.
Germany refused to pay reparations at first, but had to after a threat of invasion in 1921.
Germany reduced its army to 100,000 max., which left them open to invasion by other countries.
German colonies were given away, including German East Africa to Britain and Samoa to New Zealand.
Germany was required to pay 6,600,000 pounds in reparations, mostly to France and Belgium, in instalments.
The Treaty banned the union with Austria, known as Anschluss.
The Treaty set up the League of Nations, which helped millions of people worldwide.
The League of Nations was set up to prevent wars, improve people’s lives, and encourage countries to disarm.
13% of European land was handed away to other countries, including Alsace-Lorraine to France and West Prussia to Poland.
The Treaty of Versailles included the War Guilt Clause (231), which forced Germany to accept blame for starting the war.
Austria went bankrupt before the amount of reparations could be set.
The Treaty was unpopular, not only in Germany but in other countries, with many American politicians refusing to agree to it and some experts predicting it would cause more problems.
The Treaty of Versailles was justified as it weakened Germany economically, which harmed innocent people.
New countries could rule themselves, as seen in the Balkans, Poland, and other parts of the former Austria-Hungary.
Turkey paid no reparations.
The Treaty did give all the Big Three something that they wanted, which was compromise.
Bulgaria paid its reparations.
Hungary could not pay the reparations, so its payments were suspended.
The maximum number of troops allowed in the German army was 100,000, all of whom were volunteers, and the German navy was limited to 6 battleships.
Germany sank its own ships so they wouldn't need to hand them over to the victors.