byanarrow. the length of the arrow represents themagnitude, and the direction of the arrow represents the direction of the vectorquantity
what is a force?
a force is a push or pullthatactsonaobjectduetotheinteractionwithanotherobject. all forces between objects are either contactforces or non-contactforces
what is a contact force?
the objects are physicallytouching
what is a non-contact force?
the objects are physicallyseparated
what are examples of contact forces?
friction, airresistance,tension and normalcontactforce
what is examples of non-contact force?
Gravitationalforces,magneticforce and electrostaticforce.
is force a scalar quantity or vector quantity?
what is weight?
the forceactingonanobjectduetogravity. the force of gravity closetotheEarth is duetothegravitationalfieldaroundtheEarth
what does the weight on an object dependent on?
it depends on the gravitationalfieldstrengthatthepointwheretheobjectis
how can weight be calculated?
W = m x g
weight = N ( newtons )
mass = kg
gravitationalfieldstrength = N/kg
what is an objects centre of mass?
when the weightofanobjectmaybeconsideredtoactatasinglepoint
relationship between the weight of an object and the mass of the object?
the weight of an object and the mass of an object is directlyproportional
how is weight measured?
using a calibratedspring-balance ( a newtonmeter )
what is a resultant force?
a number of forcesactingonanobjectmaybereplacedby a singleforcethathasthesameeffectasalltheoriginalforcesactingtogether.thissingleforce is called the resultant force
how to calculate the resultant of two forces that act in a straight line?
describe examples of the forces acting on an isolated object or system?
A single force can be resolvedintotwocomponentsactingatrightanglestoeachother . the two component forces together havethesameeffectasthesingleforce
What does a force do on an object?
when a force causes an object to move through a distance workisdone on the object. So a forcedoesworkonanobjectwhentheforcecausesadisplacement of the object.
how can the work done by a force be calculated?

W = F x d
work done = force x distance
workdone = J ( joules )
force = N ( newtons )
distance = m ( metres )
work done?
onejoule of work is done when a force of onenewtoncauses a displacement of onemeter
what does 1 joule equal to?
1joule = 1newton-meter
conversion between joules and newton-meter?
what does work done against a frictional force acting on an object cause?
a riseinthetemperatureoftheobject
what are examples of forces involved in stretching, bending or compressing an object?
pulling and pushing ?
why to change the shape of an object more than one force has to be applied?
a singleforcewillonlycausetheobjecttomoveinthedirectionin which theforceswereapplied
what is the difference between elastic deformation and inelastic deformation caused by stretching forces?
Elastic deformation is reversible and thematerialreturnstoitsoriginalshapeaftertheforceisremoved, while inelastic deformation is permanent and thematerialdoesnotreturntoitsoriginalshape.
relationship between the extension of an elastic object and the force applied?
the extension of anelasticobject, such as a spring, is directlyproportional to the forceapplied, providedthatthelimit of proportionality is notexceeded
how to calculate force?
force = springconstant x extension
F = k x e
force = N ( newtons )
spring constant = N/m
extension = m ( metres )
what does a force that stretches ( or compresses ) what does a spring do?
a force that stretches ( or compresses ) a spring doeswork and elasticpotentialenergy is storedinthespring.provided the spring is notinelasticallydeformed, the workdoneonthespring and the elasticpotentialenergystored are equal.
what is the difference between a linear and non-linear relationship between force and extension?
Linear relationship: Force and extensionhave a constantratio and graph a straightline. Non-linear relationship: Force and extensiondonothaveaconstantratio and graphacurve.
how to calculate elastic potential energy?
Ee = 1/2 x k x e^2
force and extension PRACTICAL?
measurenaturallength of spring ( whennoload is applied ) with a mmrulerclampedtothestand.Makesureyoutakereading at eyelevel and addamarker ( eg thinstrip of tape ) to the bottom of spring to makereadingmoreaccurate.Addmass to spring and allowittocometorest.Recordmass and measurenewlength of the spring.Theextension is the changeinlength.Repeatthisprocessuntilyouhaveenoughmeasurements ( no fewer than 6 ). Plotaforce ( x ) - extension ( y ) of your results. It will only curve if you exceed the limitofproportionality.
what is distance and what does it involve?
distance is howfaran object moves.distancedoesnotinvolvedirection. distance is a scalar quantity.
what does displacement include and what is it?
both the distance an objectmoves,measuredina straight linefromthestartpointtothefinishpoint and thedirection of thatstraightline. displacement is a vector quantity
what is speed and what doesnt it involve?
speeddoesntinvolvedirection. its a scalarquantity
why is speed rarely constant?
the speed of a movingobject is rarelyconstant. when people walk, run or travelinacartheirspeed is constantlychanging
what does speed at which a person can walk, run or cycle depend on?
factors : age, terrain, fitness and distancetravelled
what are the typical values of walking, running and cycling?