a scientific approach involving a large number of pps and quantitative research
looks at making generalisations and developing theories about behaviour of the wider population
Nomothetic examples:
Cognitive psychology- Atkinson and Shiffrin (Multi-store Model)
Biological psychology- explaining OCD/Depression
Behaviourists - Pavlov and Skinner (laws of learning)
- Large amounts of data so potentially time consuming to collect and sort through
+ Data is qualitative so its easier/quicker to spot patterns and interpret
+ Theory from Millon and Davis says research often starts being nomothetic, and once laws have been produced, researched can then start to take more of an individual look
--> Shows the integral role in of nomothetic approaches in the whole of psychology
+ The use of large numbers of pps increases reliability and the generalisability/ population validity of the research
- The quantitative data means that less of an in depth and well-rounded understanding is possible – complex topics are reduced to numbers