William Taft

Cards (5)

  • when was William Taft president/ for how long and what political spectrum was he?
    William Taft was the 27th President of the United States from 1909 to 1913. He was a member of the Republican Party for one term.
  • what was Tafts trust breaking?
    90 anti trust suits.
    took on standard oil which ordered to break up Rockefeller = however this broke up his companies into 34 smaller companies making him wealthier.
  • What is the impact of the dissolution of standard oil?
    standard oil dismantled broken into 34 smaller companies. - Rockefeller was a shareholder in all companies this was influenced by Ida Wells the history of standard oil company.
  • what did Taft do for environmentalism?
    1910 - established El Dorado National forest
    1910 - general withdrawal act - 8.5m acres of Alaskan land in public domain to prevent big business from buying it
  • What did Taft do for social and economic reform?
    1912 - federal children’s bureau to decrease child abuse
    1913 - 16th amendment = income tax
    mine safety legislation
    8 hour day for government workers
    all influenced by Roosevelt and his square deal