Verbal appellation in socialisation involves girls being praised for being passive and "good girls", while boys are praised for being cheeky and "boys will be boys".
Education in socialisation involves different subject choices for girls, focusing on arts, humanities, and caring, while boys are steered towards sports and science.
Creation of the self is a key aspect of socialisation, where two important things are learned: understanding signs and symbols and learning to emphasise.
Socialisation is not the same for everyone – we all chose to take different social roles so there isn't one set of norms and values we are socialised into – we resocialise ourselves if we have too.
Giddens proposes a third way, structuration, which involves the culture and structure of society providing the means of establishing our identities and the tools to make sense of society.
Marxism is critical of functionalism and believes that socialisation supports the interests of the ruling class, indoctrinating people into the ruling class ideologies.
Althusser argues that the ruling class maintain control through the ruling state apparatus (RSA - formal social control police) and ideological state apparatus (ISA - key institutions that transmit ideas of the state reflecting the ruling class).
Gramsci believes that the ruling class are able to establish common sense, making capitalism seem normal and common, and promoting hegemony, which Marx believes is when workers form false class consciousness due to the belief that the system is right.
Zaretsky sees socialisation as being linked to the interests of the social class (ruling class), arguing that family is an institution of the capitalist class to install obedience and respect for authority.