Applications of plasters include affording protection and mechanical support, furnishing an occlusive dressing and macerating action, and bringing medication into close contact with the surface of the skin.
If a large amount of powder is to be added, a part of the base should be melted and rubbed with the powder first, then incorporated with the remaining bases.
It is generally undesirable to dissolve a solid that is soluble and crystalline in water as evaporation of some of the water will cause crystallization of the solid in the ointment.
The therapeutically active agents should be mixed with a small portion of the bases and then with other portions until a uniform preparation is obtained.
Labeling of ointments and semi solid preparations follow the general labeling requirements for pharmaceuticals, it must also include the type of base used.
Lamels or eye disks are small disk (about 3mm in diameter) which are cut or stamped from thin films of glycerinated gelatin containing various medicaments used in ophthalmology.
Cerates are unctuous substances of such consistency that they may be easily spread, at ordinary temperature, upon muslin or similar material with a spatula, and yet not so soft as to liquefy and run when applied to the skin.