Cards (19)

  • What are Mesophytes?
    Plants adapted to a habitat with adequate water
  • What are Xerophytes?
    Plants adapted to a dry habitat
  • What are Halophytes?
    Plants adapted to a salty habitat
  • What are Hydrohytes?
    Plants that are adapted to a freshwater habitat
  • How are plant leaves adapted to increase Surface Area?
    • Wide and Flat
    • Spongy Mesophyll are spaced far apart
  • How are plants adapted to decrease diffusion distance?
    • Thin
    • Spongy Mesophyll create air spaces
  • How do plants maintain a carbon dioxide concentration gradient?
    • Wind circulates air around the leaf
    • Carbon dioxide is constantly being used by photosynthetic cells
  • How is Marram Grass adapted to reduce water loss?
    • Thich waxy cuticle
    • Small leaf SA:Vol ratio
    • Sunken stomata
    • Leaf hairs around stomata
    • Rolled leaves
  • How are Cacti adapted to increase their water uptake?
    • Wide reaching roots
    • deep roots
  • Why can’t blocks be used to model SA:Vol ratio?
    • They’re a regular shape, cells are not
    • They don’t have a selectively permeable membrane
    • Much bigger than cells
  • Why do plants close their stomata at hours of darkness?
    • Need light for photosynthesis
    • No light
    • So need to gain carbon dioxide
  • Why can’t water evaporate directly from the surface of the leaf?
    • Leafs are covered in a waxy cuticle
    • This is hydrophobic
    • So no water can pass through
  • What does a Thick Cuticle do?
    Stops uncontrolled evaporation from leaf cells
  • What does small leaf surface area to volume ratio do?
    Reduces evaporation
  • What does putting stomata in sunken pits do?
    Maintains humid air around the stomata to create a shallower concentration gradient
  • What do leaf hairs do?
    Maintains humid air around stomata to create a shallower concentration gradient
  • What do rolled leaves do?
    Maintains humid air around stomata to create a shallower concentration gradient
  • What do Deep Roots do?
    Access to deep water sources
  • What do widespread shallow roots do?
    Rapid access to rainwater