A binary construct you are eitherfemale XX chromosome or male XY chromosome.
A label, examples female and male that are often culturally defined rather than biologically defined.
Gender fluid
Not having a fixed gender.
Possession of the qualities traditionally associated with men.
Behaving in ways considered typical for women.
Identification with a gender that does not match one's biological gender.
Gender - a term that means either male or female
Non-binary gender
A term that suggests that gender cannot be split up into two distinct categories
Typical gender forms
Types of gender that are socially the norm ie male and female
Atypical gender forms
Types of gender that not socially the norm ie metrosexual
Gender Dysphoria
A condition where a person feels discomfort with the gender assigned to them at birth
Primary Data
Which term mean data that was previously unknown and which have been obtained directly by the researcher for a particular research project?
Secondary Data
Which term means data that is collected by someone other than the user?
Laboratory experiment
What method is an experiment carried out in a controlled setting, with an IV and DV?
Field Experiment
Which method is an experiment that is carried out in a natural setting in which the researcher manipulates the IV and records the effect of the DV.
What term means a physical or psychological characteristic that enhances an individuals survival and reproduction, and is thus likely to be naturally selected for, and passed down in the genes?
What term means a general statement of what the researcher intends to study or investigate?
What is an important part of confidentiality , where a participant remains anonymous, their name is withheld?
What term refers to a group of drugs ie SSRI/Prozac which increase serotonin levels?
Which key researcher into conformity - undertook a lines experiment, which can explain NSI and ISI?
Which key theorist evidences Social Learning theory - BOBO doll.?
Behavioural categories
What term means dividing behaviours into individual components and detailing them on a tally chart, all should be operationalised?
Behavioural Therapy
Systematic Desensitisation is what type of therapy?
Which term is where certain groups may be over represented, which limits the extent to which generalisations can be made?
Biological approach
Which approach emphasises the important of physical processes in the body such as genetic inheritance and neural functions?
Which is the abbreviation for the British Psychological Society?
Case Study
Which method in psychology, involves a detailed study of a single individual?
Classical Conditioning
What term means learning by association, and occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired together - an unconditioned ( unlearned) stimulus (UCS) and a new neural stimuli ( NS). Pavlov?
Cognitive approach
Which approach focuses on how our mental processes ( thoughts, perception, attention) affect behaviour?
CBT Cognitive Behavioural therapy
What is a method of treating mental disorders based on both cognitive and behavioural techniques. Challenges negative thoughts?
Collectivist Culture
What term refers to a group of people who place more value on the collective rather than the individual, on interdependence rather than independence. Typical of eastern cultures such as Japan, China?
What term means a superficial or temporary type of conformity where we outwardly go along with the majority view, but privately disagree with it?
What is a mathematical technique in which a researcher investigates a relationship between two variables, called co-variables?
Qualititative data
Which type of data is rich in detail, ie interview data?
What is the term for number data which can be analysed?
What is the term for a post research interview designed to inform the participants of the true nature of the study, and let them know they can withdraw their data if they wish?
What term is an ethical issue , which occurs when the participants are not told the real aim of the study?
Dependent Variable
Which is the variable that is measured by the researcher?
What is the term for a mental disorder characterised by low mood and low energy levels?
Dizygotic twins
What is the term for Non-identical twins (50% of the same genes)?