all carbs, proteins, and fats contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
additionally, protein contains nitrogen
carbs and fat are for energy, but fat provides energy for a longer duration
the three main types of carbohydrates are monosaccharides (simple sugars), disaccharides (double sugar), polysaccharides (complex sugars)
protein is used to build muscle tissue
protein is used for repair and growth
fats are made up of 1 glycerol molecule and 3 fatty acids
protein is made from amino acids
carbs are made of glucose -> maltose -> become more complex carbs ie. starch in plants and glycogen in animals
catalysts are substances that speed up a chemical reaction without being used or altered
enzymes are proteins that are biological catalysts
the test for starch is iodine. when iodine is in the presence of starch it turns black.
the test for fats is ethanol. in a solution of water, ethanol, and fats the fat will rise up to the top and form a layer if present
the original colour of biuret solution is blue
a substrate is the substance an enzyme acts upon
enzymes have two types of reactions, breakdown and build up
what happens with enzymes is that the enzyme binds to the substrate at the active site creating enzyme-substrate coplexes which then produces the product
amylase turns starch into maltose/glucose
protease turns protein into amino acids
catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide into hydrogen and oxygen
the reason why catalase is important is to combat the natural build up of hydrogen peroxide in your body which at high levels is toxic to living cells
lipase turns fats into fatty acids and glycerol
a test tube with hydrogen peroxide and a boiled liver will not produce bubbling, but one with a fresh liver will as the catalase enzyme has not become denatured
enzymes have an optimum temperature and become denatured above it, meaning the active site has changed and therefore it is permanently deactivated
enzymes have a working range for pH as well as an optimum pH reflecting it's usual operating location