investigating factors affecting enzyme action

Cards (6)

  •  A tenfold dilution is a logarithmic dilution in which there are a series of dilutions to a factor of ten.
  • concentration
  • PH
  • temperature
  • We can calculate rate of enzyme activity by calculating initial rate
    Gradient = change in y-axis / change in x-axis
    1. Set up your data logger and colorimeter using the guide
    2. Label 5 boiling tubes with each pH buffer.
    3. Into each tube add 1cm3 of trypsin and 1cm3 matching pH buffer
    4. Take 5 cuvettes. Place 1cm3 trypsin, 1cm3 pH buffer, 2cm3 of distilled water into each
    5. calibrate the colorimeter using the pH 5 control
    6. Take a new cuvette, add the pH 5 solution with 2cm3 of milk
    7. Place into the colorimeter and start the data logger graph. for 5 minutes
    8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 for each pH buffer, remembering to calibrate the colorimeter
    9. find the initial rates and record these in your table.